Pete Imagine: So Bad Pt. 2

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(Y/N) washed the cheap make up off of her face almost robotically. It was all simple muscle memory, since she does it every morning. She looked over at the large mammoth of a man getting dressed.

"That was great darling." The man grinned sleazily. A smile somehow forced its way onto her face.

"Well aren't you sweet? Thanks sugar, I hope you a great time." She choked out, lying straight through her teeth. The man made his way out of her room, and (Y/N) collapsed on the grimy floor.

This was never the life she wanted for herself, but life took a huge shit on her hopes and dreams. Broke by 25, she's been at this brothel for nearly a year. That's almost 365 days of sleaze bags fawning over her body, touching her, treating her like she was nothing but an object.

365 days of not being a person.

But not when she was with Pete. With Pete it was different. He was such a complex person, showing so much emotion. The first time he came to that hell of a brothel, he was there because he was broken. He was there, because he needed human companionship. That's what (Y/N) was able to give to him. He didn't just come for a quick fuck. He was there, he made sure she was okay, and he treated her like she was a person.

He didn't have to keep coming back, but he did and that left (Y/N) confused.

"(Y/N), the showers are running." A worker at the brothel called. (Y/N) dragged her barely here body to the bathroom and stood under the lukewarm water. Numb.

When she was cleaned, she put on a white button up top and black leggings. Breakfast must be ready by now, but before she could reach the kitchen, her friend, Daisy, stopped her.

"(Y/N), there's a guy waiting in your room for you." She frowned. Tears started to form in (Y/N)'s eyes, but she quickly pushed them away.

"It's barely 8 o'clock, these dirty bastards." She grumbled. (Y/N) walked to her room, putting a smile on her face. When she opened the door, her smile faltered.

It's just Pete.

"Hey, what are you doing here so early?" (Y/N) asked. Pete stood up quickly.

"I want to take you out...with me. I-uh-I can pay for your time!" He stuttered, shoving about $1,000 in her hands. (Y/N) looked from the money to Pete and shook her head.

"Keep your money Pete. I'm not worth all this." She mumbled.

"No, I insist. Please take it." Pete pleaded. He placed the money on a dirty dresser in the dark room.

"Why do you keep seeing me? I'm nothing important Pete. You can have anyone you could possibly want." (Y/N) argued.

"Yeah, well...what if I chose you? What if I want you?" Pete countered. (Y/N) stood there in shock, watching the brown eyed man.

"How could you love someone like me?" She whimpered.

"What? What are you talking about?" Pete asked, walking closer to (Y/N).

"I am a whore, Pete! I sell my body for money! I can't even count the amount of men who've touched me in the past year I've been here!" (Y/N) yelled. Pete was about to reach out to her, when a subtle sob shook her shoulder.

"I...I was a virgin a month before I even started this life. I didn't even know what I was doing. I was a kid dammit." She sobbed. Pete pulled her into his arms.

"(Y/N) I don't care about what you did or what you're doing. I know why you're doing it, which means I know how strong you are. This cannot be easy on you, and I won't pretend to know the challenges you'ree facin, but I know who you are on the inside. I know you as a person and I really do like you. Let...let me take care of you (Y/N). Let me show you you're lovely, let me spoil you in nothing less that 24 karats and let me protect you from the horrors of this world. I want to be there for you, so let me...please." Pete spoke. (Y/N) felt her heart flutter against. Here was this man telling her all the right things, but many men have done the same before. What makes Pete any different? She found her answer when she looked into those brown eyes and found her reason to leave:

A home.

" me, protect me, and promise me you won't leave me." She whimpered. Pete smiled and pressed a long passionate kiss to her lips.

"You have my word." He panted.

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