Joe Imagine: Jerk? Pt. 2

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You walked out of the school to begin your walk home when a car pulled up next to you.

"I have mace in my bag and I'm not afraid to use it." You warned. The window rolled down more and you saw Joe smiling at you from the driver's seat.

"Need a ride?" He asked.

"I'll walk." You deadpanned. You continued walking and internally frowned when you noticed Joe's car still trailing next to you.

"Aww, come on (Y/N)! It's just a car ride. It's not like I'm asking for you to be my wife or something." Joe pleaded.

"How do I know that you're not gonna kidnap me?" You stopped, looking over at him. Joe just gave you a wicked smile and pushed open the passenger door.

"You're just gonna have to trust me." He said simply. You looked at the car door and smiled at Joe.

"I like walking." You said sweetly. You closed the door and continued walking.

"It's gonna rain ya know!" Joe called, still following you.

"A little rain never hurt no one!" You sighed.

"Come on, you might get sick. Just get in the car."

"Okay, that definitely made you sound like a pedophile. Trying to lure me in your car, nice try." Just then a clap of thunder was heard and it started drizzling.

"(Y/N), it's already starting." Joe pointed out.

"And the rain feels lovely." You said, cringing as the cold droplets hit your head. Joe stopped the car and get out as the rain got harder. He pulled off his hoodie and handed it to you.

"Put it on." He said softly, but firmly. You looked into those blue eyes as you slipped the hoodie over your head. Joe took your back back and threw it in your backseat.

"Get in the car, (Y/N). I'm driving you home." He smiled, pulling the hood over your head. His fingers brushed your cheeks and you felt yourself get warm.

"O-okay." You stuttered. You got in the passenger seat next to Joe as he drove down the road.

"Why'd you stop for me?" You asked.

"It was gonna rain." Joe said quickly.

"Why'd you leave that note in my locker?"

"What note?"

"Joe, don't play dumb. You left me this note." You pulled out the note and Joe momentarily glanced at it.

"Oh that. Because I wanted you to know." Joe answered simply.

"I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to know." You groaned.

"I know you think I'm a jerk (Y/N). Hell, sometimes I think I'm a jerk, but it's never to be mean. Like if I say something that comes off as mean, it's not intentional. I know sometimes I act like you're not here, but I know you are. You're not invisible, especially not to me."

"So...that was an apology note?"

"...something like that." Joe pulled in front of your house and looked at you.

"You can return my hoodie later. Call me if you ever need a ride. I'll come through." He said. You studied his face and grabbed his hand.

"That wasn't just an apology, was it?" You asked. The sound of the rain pelting the car made your voices sound quieter than normal.

"No, it wasn't." Joe confessed.

"Then explain it to me, because I'm kinda lost." You joked lightly.

"I like you...a lot. I know it seems weird, but you make me feel weird. I don't know why or how, but I just know I wanna hug you, kiss you, or just hold your hand. Maybe it's because how polite you are, even to me and I definitely don't deserve it. You make my day (Y/N). Even seeing you in the morning, sleep being the only thing on your face, brings a smile to my face. I love seeing you in any mood or state of mind. I just, I wanna breathe until we are one...okay that's cheesy, but only because Pete told me to say it. All things aside (Y/N), you make me happy. You make me excited to see you. I never want to stop seeing you." Joe explained. You smiled and placed your hand on his face.

"You could've said that a while ago, then I wouldn't have thought of you as such a jerk." You said.

"My timings not perfect. I have flaws." Joe smiled sheepishly. You chuckled and pressed your lips to his. Joe cupped your cheek with one hand and deepened the kiss. You pulled back first, a smile on your face.

"I should get inside before my mom sends out a missing persons report." You said biting your lip.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll see you tomorrow?" Joe asked hopefully.

"You definitely will." You got out of the car with your bag and ran into your house. Joe watched you walk into your house and pressed his fingertips to his lips in awe.

"Point, Trohman." He smiled dreamily.

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