Joe Imagine: Too Much Feelings

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You sat locked up in your room the entire weekend. As soon as Friday came, you ran up there, only coming out to use the bathroom. Your parents tried to get you out countless times, but nothing worked. When they really got desperate, they called your boyfriend, Joe.

"Joseph, can you swing by please? It's (Y/N)...we think she needs you." Your mom said into the phone.

"Y-yeah. I'll be there as soon as possible." Joe frowned, looking at the eyes of his friends as the guys attempted band practice.

"What's up?" Andy asked.

"It's (Y/N). Her parents said they think she needs me." Joe relayed, putting down his guitar. He ran to his green station wagon and drove to your house. When he parked the car, he rushed up to the front door, knocking three times. Your dad opened the door, a frown on his face.

"Joe, please come in." He said. Joe walked in and looked around your mom stood by the stairs, worry etched into her face.

"Is everything okay? What's wrong with (Y/N)?" Joe asked.

"She locked her self in her room on Friday and hasn't come out to eat or talk to anyone since." Your mom explained. Joe nodded and made his way upstairs. He turned to your room and knocked on the door.

"(Y/N), it's's Joey." Joe said loud enough for you to hear. You sat with the side of your face pressed up against the door, as silent tears trailed down your cheeks.

"Joe..." You mumbled.

"What's going on with you? Your parents are worried sick." Joe frowned sitting mirrored to your position in the other side of the door.

"They wouldn't understand...I don't even understand." You sobbed. Joe's heart broke hearing you cry, yet all he could do was place a hand on the door.

"Try to make me understand then, baby. Say what's on your mind." He pleaded.

"I just...I have so much feeling and I don't know what they mean or why I have them." You sniffled.

"Explain them to me."

"I don't wanna live here anymore. I'm tired of staying in Chicago. I wanna see the world!"

"We can do that. What else?"

"I...I'm afraid that I'm not enough for you; that I'm not enough for anyone."

"(Y/N), you are more than enough for me, don't ever forget that baby."

"I just...I'm sad and I don't know why."

"Sadness passes, and I'll be here to make sure yours does too. Now, please open the door, give me a hug, and let's get some food in you." You slowly opened the door, reveling your frame covered in a hoodie and sweatpants. Your hair was a mess and your face was blotchy from tears.

Joe still thought you looked beautiful.

He pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.

"Please talk to someone if you ever feel like this again baby. I don't ever want you to feel like you're alone, or you can't talk to anyone. Me, your parents, and the guys are always gonna be here for you." Joe sighed, rubbing circles into your back.

"Of course." You answered softly. You and Joe walked downstairs where your parents engulfed you in a hug. Joe just watched with a small smile on his face, before going to the kitchen to make your favorite.

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