Patrick Imagine: Pete vs Patrick Pt. 2

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*3 Weeks Later*

Patrick sat in the living room of the apartment he shared with Pete flipping through channels. Ever since finding out about Pete's feelings towards you, he tried to distance himself from you. In return, he was left empty without your daily conversation. There was a knock at the door before you entered using your spare key.

"Hello?" You asked softly. Patrick stood up quickly, eyes wide.

"(Y/N)! Pete's not here right now." Patrick stuttered.

"That's okay, I was actually hoping to see you." You smiled. You walked next to Patrick and sat down. He followed in suit.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Joseph was concerned that you're acting different. Well, I noticed and I'm worried too Trick. You avoid me all the time. Is it just that you don't like me?" You explained. Patrick saw the sadness in your eyes when you brought up the idea that he might not like you. It triggered something in him.

"Oh god no (Y/N), it's impossible not to like you." Patrick gasped, taking yours hands in his. You gasped as your hands came in contact with Patrick's guitar calloused ones.

"Patrick." You mumbled.

"I don't hate you or anyone. It's's complicated." Patrick explained.

"You can do better than that." You prompted.

"I really can't."

"Patrick I-" You mumbled. Just as Patrick was about to crush his lips against yours, he thought about Pete.

Pete who was so happy to have you. Happy to even be graced with your presence. Pete who would be destroyed if you were kissed by his best friend.

"I should go." Patrick deadpanned, letting go of your hand.

"Patrick wait! Was it something I said?" You gasped, but Patrick had left the apartment.

*4 Hours Later*

Patrick sat on his bed watching a picture of him and Pete. Pete is his best friend. Pete was always there with him through thick and thin, literally and figuratively. If Patrick made an advance towards you, surely Pete would never forgive him. Besides, Pete deserves happiness. Happiness that you can give him.

There was a knock on the door of the apartment

"I got it Trick." Pete called. The door opened and Pete smiled seeing you standing there.

"(Y/N), come in." Pete said. You smiled, walking into the apartment. Patrick sat in his room, oblivious to who the guest could be.

"Is Patrick here? I wanted to talk to him." You asked.

"He's in his room. You wanna just walk over there? Last door down the hall." Pete directed. You smiled, kissing the emo man's cheek.

"Thanks Petey pie." You said before making your way down the hall. When you reached Patrick's door, you knocked softly.

"Patrick? It's (Y/N). Do you think I can come in?" You asked.

"Yeah." Patrick mumbled. You walked into the dark room, seeing clothes thrown into corners. It was messy but, surprisingly, homey.

"You wanted to see me?" Patrick asked.

"Y-Yeah. I just want to say sorry for today. I upset you and I really didn't mean to. I mean, I know I can be an annoying person so if I'm ever annoying you, just tell me." You rambled.

"(Y/N), I don't think you're annoying. Why would you think that?"

"I talk a lot and I'm weird so I just figured." Patrick sighed and pulled you into his arms.

"I can assure you (Y/N), you don't annoy me. I love everything you do." He smiled.

"Then why'd you leave so abruptly? I...I thought you were gonna kiss me." You confessed, softly.

"I was and I wanted too. That's why I left. Pete likes you (Y/N) and I don't wanna be the one who gets between him and happiness."

"Did you ever stop to think about your happiness or maybe even mine?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you like me Patrick?"

"(Y/N), that may be the dumbest question you've ever asked me."

"Then tell me that! Show me that you want me. Fight for me because there's a good chance that I'd choose you, Patrick." Patrick moved closer to you, cupping your cheek in his palm.

"You mean it?" He asked.

"Patrick, I like you." You smiled bringing your lips to his. You both sat there in lip lock until Pete walked in.

"Hey (Y/N), I brought you some tea." He smiled before realizing what was happening in front of him.

"Oh...I-I can come back." Pete stuttered, leaving the room quickly.

"Damn." You and Patrick both said pulling apart.

To be continued...

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