Joe Imagine: She Loved Life

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*WARNING!! Mentions of Rape, Suicide, & Depression*

Joe doesn't remember how he and (Y/N) became friends.

She was always just there.

The little girl with a wide smile and (H/C) hair.

(Y/N)'s mom was friends with Joe's mom, meaning that (Y/N) and Joe grew up together. They would play together, nap together, and eat together. The two were nearly inseparable.

It was the start of what could be something beautiful.

Joe always looked out for (Y/N) throughout elementary, middle, and high school. He felt like it was his duty. She was such a sweet, naïve, and trusting person. She saw the good in everything. He had to protect his best friend.

Joe laid back in the grass, watching the white, fluffy clouds float across the baby blue sky.

"Joey, guess who just asked me to the winter formal!" (Y/N) gasped running into Joe's backyard. She fell right next to her friend and smiled over at him.

"Who asked you?" Joe asked, smiling slightly.

"Danny Evans! He put a note in my locker and everything." (Y/N) cheered.

"(Y/N)...Danny isn't all that good of a guy."

"I mean he has his faults, but who doesn't." Joe sighed and turned to look at his best friend. At 15, puberty had done is job, and (Y/N) was starting to look less like the little girl with missing front teeth, and more like a girl who any guy would fall head over heels for. She were absolutely stunning.

At least to Joe she was.

"Danny is an asshole. I'm saying this because I care. I'm looking out for you and I think he'd just hurt you if you two go out. I don't wanna see that happening." Joe explained. You frowned and looked up at the clouds.

"When is a boy gonna like me for me, and not just to waste my time?" You asked. Joe grabbed your hand and smiled.

"Someday." He promised.

(Y/N), never really shook that attitude of looking for love in the wrong guys, but Joe was there to correct it. He even took her to prom because, he "didn't trust the other guys."

Once (Y/N) and Joe graduated and went to different colleges, it became harder to connect. (Y/N) were busy with homework and the occasional party, while Joe was taken with the music in his college. Even though the two didn't speak as much, that didn't stop them from being friends.

(Y/N) wrote detailed letters weekly, updating Joe on her college experience. She always sounded so happy with the language she used.

Dear Joseph,

Another letter from me! This week my professor was totally off his shits and it was hilarious. His wife left him and he actually threw a party! He brought brownies and cookies, and soda for the whole class. Apparently, their marriage was doomed for years and he was just waiting for her to leave. I've never seen someone so happy in my life.

Aside from that, I got invited to this frat party next weekend. I don't know if I'm gonna go, but my roommate, Jenna, she really wants me to go with her. I may just swing by, but I'd have to be back after an hour since I have a paper due soon.

But enough about me! How are you? How is school? How are your friends (that Pete guy is soooo funny!)? I wish you would be able to come a visit soon. I'd love to see you in person! I miss your cuddles.

Anywho, I have to go because Jenna and I are going out to a karaoke place tonight. I'll write you next week, alright? Alright.

Forever yours,
             (Y/N) :)

That was the last letter Joe received from (Y/N) when he heard the news about two weeks later.

(Y/N) had been raped and dropped out of college. Joe rushed home to see her. He was on the first flight back home and right to his friend's side. (Y/N) barely spoke a work or even acknowledged his presence.

"(Y/N), your mom brought another bowl of soup. Can you try to eat this one before it goes cold again? Please?" Joe pleaded. (Y/N) still wouldn't answer. She just had that dead look in her eye. Joe sighed and wished for his best friend back.

He tried everything. He took (Y/N) to the park on sunny days in hopes that she's remember all the things she loved about the world. It never worked though. She wouldn't say anything.

Until one day...

Joe sat on the bench and (Y/N) sat next to him.

"The oak tree is dying." She pointed out so softly, Joe almost missed it.

"What?" He asked in shock. This was the first time (Y/N) had talked in months.

"The oak tree we used to play on. It is dying." She elaborated.

"How do you figure?" Joe frowned.

"It's not strong anymore. That just means it's time is up." Joe liked over at his best friend who held a pensive look on her face.

If he had known that was his last time talking to (Y/N), he would've said more.

She went home that night and hung herself in her room. Her mother found her and instantly called the police, but it was too late. (Y/N) was dead and it was all Joe's fault. If only he'd been there to protect her! He would probably still have his best friend; the one who couldn't wait for the first snowfall, who got excited at the simplest of occurrences, the one who lit up his whole life, the one that loved life.

But she's gone now.

And Joe wishes he was too.

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