Andy Imagine: After School Pt. 3

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You and Andy sat on your living room couch, going over the difference between mass and weight.

"I'm gonna fail this test." Andy groaned.

"Come on Andy. It's actually kinda simple. Mass depends on matter and weight is the pull of gravity. Just find a way to remember that instead of using some fancy way of saying it. Keep your answers simple, for any question." You explained. Andy nodded and write down what you said in his notebook.

"Geeze, I'll never understand how someone can be so good at chemistry like you." Andy chuckled lightly.

"Just wait for it, soon it's gonna get so hard to the point where even I can't do it anymore." You smiled. Andy laughed and you felt your heart flutter at the beautiful sound.

"I have a confession to make." Andy said after he stopped laughing.

"Go for it." You permitted.

"Although I obviously do need help in chemistry, it was sort of an excuse to hang out with you." Your scrunched up your face in confusion.

"To hang out with me? Andy, have you seen me? I'm the lamest of the lame. Your other friends are way cooler and prettier than me." You rambled.

"Come on (Y/N), you don't honestly believe that, do you?" Andy scoffed.

"Sometimes; yes, I do."

"How could you think that. You are one of the realest and most down to earth person I know. Your worth 10 of any girl in our school."

" mean that?" Andy chuckled and was about to say something when his phone vibrated. He looked down and groaned loudly.

"My fault. I asked Joe to pick me up at 5 and, well, time flies when your having fun. He's outside." Andy apologized.

"N-No! It's fine, I'll see you tomorrow?" You stuttered, putting together your papers and books. Andy just watched in amusement.

"Yes, of course." He replied.

"I'll walk you out." You said. You and Andy walked out on your porch and you saw where Joe sat, waiting in a black Lexus Rx 350.

"So, I'll see ya." You said softly.

"I do mean it." Andy smiled.


"You asked if I meant what I said in there. I definitely do." Andy cupped your face in his hand and pressed his lips to your own. When Andy pulled back, you were left dazed and pleasantly confused.

"I'll see ya (Y/N)." Andy smiled walking to Joe's car. He got in and saw Joe smirking at him.

"What?" Andy asked defensively.

"You are such a stud." Joe chuckled before driving off. You watched the car leave your yard until the front door of your neighbor's house was slammed shut.

"Pete?" You asked in confusion. Pete's pants were currently around his ankles as he struggled to pull them up.

"(Y/N) I think I just caught feeling for Patrick. I mean I knew he was cute, but I didn't know I'd actually like him!" Pete panicked.

"So the man whore has finally caught feelings, huh?" You smirked.

"Shut up! I gotta go. I hope the dick was good!" Pete then hit in his car and drove off leaving you to your thoughts of Andy.

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