Patrick Imagine: I'm Over You (Even If You Don't Like It) Pt. 2

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"I'll call you later, okay?" Zack informed you. You smiled and pressed your lips to his.

"Yeah. Talk to ya later." You said against his lips. Patrick watched the whole exchange from the other side of the room, anger clear on his face. What does Zack have that he doesn't.

You, obviously.

Patrick sighed and cradled his head in his hands. He really screwed up letting you go.

"Patrick, you okay?" You asked softly. Patrick looked up, saw your worried eyes, and he quickly composed himself.

"Yeah I'm fine." He lied.

"Oh. Where's Elisa?" You questioned.

"Elisa...we're not really on good terms right now."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's probably for the best." You nodded awkwardly, your eyes looking everywhere but at Patrick. It was all so awkward.

"I miss you." Patrick blurted out, his eyes widening at the words that came out of his mouth.

"Miss me?" You asked in slight amusement.

"Yeah...I miss you. You're always spending time with Zack. It's don't have time for me anymore." Patrick sighed. You frowned and took his hands in your own.

"Patrick, I'm gonna say one of the biggest cliches in the world, but please don't hate me. I'm probably sound like the worlds biggest ass, but you can't hate me." You started off nervously.

"What is it?" Patrick asked.

"It's not that I don't have time for you anymore. It's complicated. Trust me when I say this, it's not you, it's me." You continued, cringing at your own words.

"It's whatever (Y/N)."

"It's just...I'm falling in love with Zack and I really want things to work." Patrick felt his heart shatter into tiny pieces as he forced a smile.

"Go for it."

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