Joe Imagine: Mr. Trohman Pt.3

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You set the table before running the the mirror by the door.

"You definitely want him." Vince laughed as you fixed your hair. You wore a blue skater dress and made yourself look presentable.

"He's a guest and I want to look nice." You replied.

"Whatever. His car just pulled up by the way." Vince smiled. You gasped, hearing the doorbell ring.

"Does everything look good?" You asked.

"He won't care when he's banging you later anyway." Vince shrugged.

"Shut up, Vince." You hissed, before opening the door. Joe stood there wearing a black Vneck and black jeans. You felt your voice get caught in your throat and you were lost for words.

"Hello (Y/N)." Joe smiled.

"H-Hi Mr. Tr- Joe." You stuttered, catching yourself. You moved out of the way and opened an arm.

"Come in, please!" You insisted.

"I would love to." Joe grinned. His hand brushed yours as he walked inside and you shivered.

"Hey Mr. Trohman." Vince smiled.

"Hi Vince. How's that homework buddy?" Joe asked.

"It was pretty easy."

"That's what I like to hear my man." Joe have Vince a high five and you felt your knees get weak at the encounter. You would give anything to have him father your children.

Wait, what?

To be continued...

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