Joe Imagine: Gentlemen>Jerks

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You felt like hurling yourself down the stairs of your apartment building. Another date gone horribly wrong. Why couldn't any of your dates make it to the second one? You trudged to your apartment door, heels in one hand and purse in the other. When you finally got to the door, you let your head bang against it.

"Bloody hell." You groaned. This night couldn't possibly get any worse.

"Rough night?" Joe, your extremely hot neighbor, asked. Andddd...the night is officially worse. You turned to Joe, showing the black rings of mascara around your eye.

"Before you ask, no, I was not crying of sadness, happiness, fear, or surprise." You sighed.

"What emotion does that leave?" Joe asked in confusion.

"Pain." Now he looked really confused.

"My date got lemon juice in my eye. I ended up in the ER just to be safe. My date left me myself, so I caught a cab home." You explained.

"Wow, when I said rough night I didn't expect it to be that rough." Joe frowned.

"Most people don't, but you'd be surprised once you get to know me." You laughed humorlessly. Joe saw the pain that laid deep in your eyes and bit his lip.

"How about you change into something more comfortable, get cleaned up, and I'll come over. Then you can tell me all about it." Joe suggested. Glad for someone to vent to, you almost started crying.

"That sounds great." You confessed.

*Time Skip brought to you by Joe going over things he can say to make you feel better.*

You had just pulled on your All Time Low T-shirt and grey sweatpants, when a knock was heard from your door. You opened the door to see Joe standing there.

"Come on in." You said. Joe sat on your couch and you flopped down next to him.

"I honestly don't even know where to start! For one, the guys I date are usually assholes, and I hate that!" You started. Joe nodded when necessary and spoke when his input was needed. He was actually a great listener. At the end of your rant, you sighed and dropped your head in your hands.

"Is it possible to just be cursed at dating? Is that a thing?" You asked.

"You just haven't found the one yet (Y/N). Don't let that deter you." Joe smiled.

"I just...I wanna go on a date with someone who will treat me with the respect I deserve."

"...go on a date with me." You quickly lifted up you head, looking at Joe skeptically.

"You really mean that?" You asked.

"Yeah. I mean, why can't we give it a try? I find you really attractive and I want to know you better." Joe explained.

"You pick the time and the place and I'll come prepared."

"My apartment, this Friday. Dress nice." You smiled and nodded.

"Great. So while we're here, can we watch a movie? This can be the pre-date. I'll even let you choose." Joe teased. You laughing, rolling your eyes.

"In that case, we're watching Lion King!" You cheered, jumping up to fund the DVD. Joe, seeing you so happy, watched with a smile on his face.

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