Pete Imagine: Doomed Dreamers Pt.3

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The beautiful brown eyes were the last thing you remember...and then pain. You opened your eyes to see Pete laying next to you.

"P-Pete." You gurgled. You coughed and saw blood splatter on the asphalt. A warm sensation was coming from your abdomen. You looked down and saw glass stuck in your stomach.

"Auntie (Y/N)?" You looked over to see your niece holding your cell.

"Ginger, call 911." You panted. She nodded and dialed the number. You felt faint and lightheaded. On top of that, Pete didn't answer you back.

"Peter, please...please tell me you're alright." You slurred. You heard a groan and saw Pete turn to you. He had glass fragments in his face, but he seemed okay.

"That car..." Pete trailed off. Your eyes felt heavy and you turned on your back. The blue of the sky faded in and out of your vision until you saw darkness.


You opened your eyes, your heart racing.

"She's back!" Someone announced. A collected sigh was heard as various doctors surrounded you.

"Miss, can you tell me your name?" A doctor asked. You opened your mouth to speak but only blood came out.

"Internal bleeding. We gotta open her up and do repairs." The doctor said to another doctor. The first doctor then looked back at you.

"We're gonna take you to the operating room now miss." She said.

" Pete?" You gurgled, blood dribbling out of the corners of your mouth.

"The man who was found with you? He's doing okay. I think he's been taken to repair some broken bones." The doctor replied. You nodded before your eyes closed again.

Pete's POV

I opened my eyes to see blinding white. I looked around and saw a hospital bed. My right arm and left leg were in casts. I pressed the nurse button and a woman came in.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?" She asked.

"There's a woman...the love of my life...she was brought in with me. How is she?" I asked desperately.

"Sir...I'm not at liberty to discuss this with you. I'll have to explain it with a family member first."

"Her sister should be here because her niece is. Please...bring them here and tell me." The nurse nodded and left the room.

Honestly...I wasn't sure if I wanted her to come back with the news.

To be continued...

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