Patrick Imagine: Lets Make Patrick Uncomfortable Round 3!

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A/N: It's that time again...

You pulled on a leather jacket over your red ripped tank top that complimented your black skinny jeans perfectly. You then slipped on your fingerless gloves before doing your eyeliner.

Sharp enough to kill.

You walked out of the dressing room to see Pete standing there, bass in hand.

"Stakes are pretty high tonight (L/N). Feel free to tap out whenever." He shrugged, cracking his neck.

"Tell that to yourself Wentz. I got Andy on my team. You're going down down in an earlier round, but your bitch ass won't even be going down swinging." You sassed.

"Damn, I knew I should've been on (Y/N)'s team." Joe sighed, appearing behind Pete. Pete turned to him, an exasperated look on his face.

 Pete turned to him, an exasperated look on his face

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"Joe, would you just...okay?" Pete sighed. You smirked and turned to see Andy behind you.

"We got this." He said. You nodded and turned around hearing footsteps. Patrick was walking towards you, his guitar in his hands.

"Hey Tricky, you all warmed up?" You asked.

"Yeah. Let's get this concert started." Patrick smiled.

"Damn Patrick, did-did you do something with your hair?" Joe asked.

"Yeah man, it's making me all hot and bothered." Pete all but moaned, biting his lip.

"Um, let's get to our places." Patrick blushed walking away.

"Point 1; team Wentz." Pete sneered.

"Why can't we be team Alpha Delta Squadron?" Joe whined.

"Joe, would you just...okay?" Pete repeated. You looked at Andy once more and high fived him.

"Team Black for the win." He said.

*Halfway into the concert*

Pete and Joe had gotten in some good jabs at Patrick but so did Andy. Now it was your time to come through and wrap this game up.

"So now, I want to bring out a good friend of mine, Patrick's girlfriend, (Y/N)." Andy announced. You walked out to Patrick's surprise and pressed a kiss to his lips, making him blush. You looked over at Andy and dropped your heavy purse.

"Aww damn, Trick can you get that for me. My back is hurting from last night." You hinted making the crowd laugh. Patrick blushed even refer as he bent down to pick up the purse.

"Geeze (Y/N), what do you have in there?" Patrick asked as he struggled to pick up the heavy bag.

"What's wrong Patrick, can't get it up?" You smirked. Andy snickered, lowering his head and Joe had to turn from the crowd. Pete was seething.

"Patrick, remember that time when we were left alone on the bus and something happened? I remember after that you had a problem sitting down for a while." Pete teased.

"I slipped and fell on my ass." Patrick stuttered.

"Aww Tricky, you should've come to me. I would've kissed it all better." You said. Patrick gasped and by now his whole face was red. You and Andy had won.

"Alright, now back to the entertainment! These fingers and I right folks? They're like magic." You commented, the crowd laughing once again.

"I hate you." Patrick mumbled, his voice lacking any malice. You kissed Patrick's cheek and turned to salute Pete and Joe.

"Now for me and Patrick's favorite song, Sugar, We're Going Down!" You winked walking off of the stage.

*After The Show*

You sat in the tour bus as Pete put the $500 in your hands and Joe put his $500 in Andy's hands.

"You can't beat the queen Pete. This is my game." You chuckled.

"One day I'll win. Just you wait." Pete glared. Patrick came on the bus and witnessed the transaction.

"So you all play the game now?" He asked in surprise.

"I was thinking of copywriting." Pete shrugged. You stood up and handed Patrick $200.

"This is for all your trouble. You make me richer everyday, love bug." You smirked, placing your lips on Patrick's own. He kissed back, any anger gone.

"This isn't the end (Y/N), I will beat you." Pete promised.

"I'm willing to wait for it." You replied, a devious smile on your face.

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