Patrick Imagine: The Light She Brings

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A/N: This is sort of a narrative based on this beautiful piano song called The Light She Brings by Joep Beving. It is told in Patrick's POV. I see this taking place sometime in the 50's maybe. And as a warning there is a brief scene of sexual content and non consensual elements. You have been warned.

She smiles and it lights up the whole house.

As she walks down the halls of the mansion, everyone awakes to say their greetings and bid her a great morning.

I'm always the first to see her.

"Good morning, Patrick." (Y/N) smiles, her cheeks flushed from her early morning work in the kitchen. She cooks, she cleans, and she just takes care of everything.

"Morning (Y/N). That bread smells lovely." I tell her truthfully. She blushes and scurries off. I watch, a small smile on my face as the whole hallway lights up.

I sit out in the garden with my friends in the afternoon. She serves us there.

"The economy is terrible nowadays." Pete sighs, throwing his head back.

"You're telling me? I bought stock yesterday and the company went down. Just terrible!" Andy scoffed.

"It's even harder to find a wife." Joe stated, finishing his glass of whiskey.

"More whiskey, Mr. Trohman?" (Y/N) asks, appearing quietly.

"Yes, thank you, (Y/N)." Joe smiles as she pours the bottle. I smile at her and (Y/N)'s eyes catch mine. She blushes and looked back at the task at hand. When she leaves, everyone is watching me. 

"Patrick Stump looking to settle down with the help? Say it ain't so." Pete teases.

"(Y/N) just has this aura around her. It's calming and happy. I appreciate it." I state, smirking as I sip my own drink.

And after all the parties, she's there to help clean up.

"Oh Patrick!" The blonde moaned from underneath me. I have no earthly idea who she even is. Probably some girl from town who got lucky and snuck in. I trail my lips down to her neck and bite, hard.

"Ouch!" The blond exclaims. She tries to sit up but I push her back down.

"Patrick stop!" She growls. She pushes me off of her and I get angry.

"How dare you, you whore? Do you even know who I am? You come into my house, make your way into my room, and try to tell me what to do? It doesn't work like that." I growl darkly. The girl tried to gather her clothes, but I don't give her the chance. I grab a knife and slit her throat. The blood gushes from the wound, staining the bed sheets. I watch as her body's volume of blood is reduced to only a draining. Then is when I put on clothes. I slide on my boxers and throw over a button up shirt. I sit on the couch on the opposite side of the room when the door opens.

"Patrick, your presence..." (Y/N) stars before trailing off. She looks down the the naked blond girl's body and the blood stains. She then looks at me, a disapproving smile on her face.

"You always leave me with a mess to clean up. I thought you said you would take them to the bathtub." She reprimands me. I shrug sheepishly and make my way over to her.

"She just got me so angry. I couldn't contain it." I whisper, my hands caressing the side of (Y/N)'s face. She smiles and presses her lips to mine like she's done countless of times.

"Get dressed and go back to the party. I'll take care of this." She whispers against my lips.

"Thank you, darling." I mumbled. (Y/N) goes to work on disposing of the body with a smile and I chuckle. It still baffles me how she can bring light even into the room of my countless murders. It's no wonder why I love her.

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