Pete Imagine: Dr. (Y/N) (L/N) M.D. Pt.2

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You walked up to the observation theater and sat down at the edge of your seat. Dr. Iero was making some clean cuts which was good. He even had Dr. Barnes assisting which made you feel much better.

"Alright Barnes, can you get me a better view at the field?" Dr. Iero asked.

"Of course. Suction." Dr. Barnes said to the scrub nurse. She handed Barnes the suction and he went to work. Suddenly the monitor started beeping.

"BP's dropping." Dr. Rogers (a resident that was supposedly screwing Dr. Barnes) said.

"Dammit! I can't find this bleeder!" Iero said, sticking his hand into Pete's abdomen. Quickly, you fearfully pressed the intercom button.

"Iero, the tissue in there is sensitive! If you poke around too much you might-" just before you could finish, a spurt of blood squirted Dr. Barnes in the face.

"-widen the tear." You finished. Now Pete's monitor was beeping out of control.

"Lap pads!" Dr. Iero yelled. You couldn't watch so you just left. You intended to do some more rounds on some patients when you passed Pete's cute friend, Patrick, in the waiting room, along with 2 other guys.

"Dr. (L/N)! Pete, he's out of surgery?" Patrick asked, running over to you with the other two men.

"No, they're still working on him." You replied.

"But aren't you his doctor? Shouldn't you be doing the surgery?" The man with curly hair asked.

"Joe, you can't just ask people why they are t performing surgeries." The other man glared towards Joe.

"Sorry Andy. Just a question." Joe scoffed.

"Guys, I will update you when I am update. I have other patients right now." You said hurriedly. You walked off to go and try to collect yourself.

*5 Hours Later*

You stood updating your patient charts when Dr. Iero and Dr. Barnes walked over to you.

"(L/N), your patient is all good. We repaired the tear and he should be good as new." Iero smiled.

"We tried to find you earlier. Already updated the family too." Barnes added. You sighed and smiled at the two doctors in front of you.

"Jesus, you guys are miracle workers." You giggled.

"Nah, just damn good surgeons." Barnes shrugged. He and Iero walked away and you walked to Pete's room. When you got there, you saw Pete, Patrick, Joe, Andy, and two kids.

"What's up Doc?" Pete smirked. You let out a sigh of relief at his state and smirked.

"Glad to see they didn't take out your humor during the surgery." You said pulling up Pete's chart.

"You met the guys already, but you never met these two." Pete said pointing to the two little boys looking up at you.

"And who are these two?" You asked sweetly.

"My kids, Bronx and Saint." Pete introduced. You nodded and looked back over at Pete.

"Handsome like their father, huh?" You teased.

"Yeah, I hope they're not a deal breaker to that question I asked before I went under." Pete said nervously. You blushed, remembering the question you tried to hard to push to the back of your mind.

"Go on"

"Well, I guess I long as you promise that I'll never have you as a patient again." You said. Pete put his hand over his heart.

"If I ever come to this hospital, I will never ask for Dr. (L/N)." He viewed. You giggled and nodded your head.

"Alright Mr. Wentz. We're gonna keep you for the night and if no complications arise, you're free to go tomorrow." You said. You turned to leave, but Pete stopped you.

"How am I supposed to call you?" Pete asked eagerly. You turned back to him and shrugged.

"All information will be given with you at discharge." You winked before leaving.

"Dude, you are so in there!" Joe cheered.

"The kids card, it'll work 9 times out of 10." Pete sighed dreamily.

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