Pete Imagine: You're Pregnant?

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You wiped the back of your mouth after finally lifting your face from the toilet bowl.

"I've gotta be dying." You mumbled. You opened your bathroom drawer and pulled out a box of pregnancy tests before finding what you were actually looking for.

"My sweet,sweet pain relieving Advil." You praised. You swallowed the pill and drank some water. You then decided it was a good time to take a shower and change into comfy sweatpants and one of Pete's T-shirts, hoping you would feel better. After the heavenly showers, you grabbed a jar of pickles and bag of sour cream chips. It was one of your favorite guilty pleasure snacks. You flipped on your Netflix and settled for Criminal Minds.

When Pete came home, he found you asleep, chips and pickles on the floor, and the Netflix main screen. Pete just smiled at your sleeping figure and walked to the bathroom. It was then that his heart stopped. He saw the boxes of pregnancy tests sitting on the counter and thought back to his perception of you. You were eating weird food combinations and you were wearing big clothes. Above all else, you had out a box of pregnancy tests.

"(Y/N)! Why didn't you tell me!" Pete yelled in excitement. You got scared and stood up quickly.

"What's going on?" You asked. Pete came to you and spun you around.

"You're pregnant and you didn't even tell the father...I am the father, right?" He explained.

"Pete, I'm not pregnant." You sighed.


"Just feeling a little under the weather. I know I look like shit, but that doesn't mean I have to be birthing children." Pete blushed and looked around sheepishly.

"My bad." He sighed. You smiled and kissed him anyway.

A/N: School is killing me honestly. I'm gonna pass out of sleepiness after I post this so gn!

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