Joe Imagine: It's For The Best

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You sat by the window in your bland New York City apartment.

It never really did feel like home.

You watched the other tall buildings surrounding you, but all you could think about was Joe. Joe Trohman, the caring coward with pretty eyes and beautiful hair. You quickly left the window, since it was a place that encouraged your tendency to feel anxious.

There was a knock at the door. You opened it and saw the caring figure of Joe Trohman.

"You can't keep leaving every time we fight." Joe panted, his skin soaked from the rain. You still said nothing. You were a tight-fisted, proud, woman and would never admit your mistakes (even if you were wrong).

"(Y/N), you need to take to me! We both need to talk things out." Joe sighed, stepping into your apartment.

"I never said you could come in!" You snapped. Joe back out of the apartment and watched you with such adoration in his eyes. The world saw you as mean and abrasive.

Joe saw a beautiful flawed angel.

If only you could see the same. You never felt as if you were good enough or deserved nice things.

"Say what you have to say and leave." You demanded, arms crossed across your chest.

The rain hammered making you close your eyes. The rain always seemed so dismal.

As you stepped closer to the door, so did Joe. 

"No, you stay there. Don't come any closer." You ordered. Joe nodded in surrender and help up his hands.

"I wanna raise the white flag, okay? I said some hurtful shit and I never should have said that. I know it." Joe confessed.

"Thank you Joe." You nodded.

"But you're at fault too."


"(Y/N), you left without telling me. I was worried someone had abducted you or worse. We're in a relationship. You can't do stuff like that." Your face twisted as you looked away from Joe's beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you and I want you to love me the same way I love you." Joe said softly.

You looked back up at Joe, even more anxious.

Should you tell him?

Or let him go?

"Joe, I love you." You replied. Joe smiled up at you with such relief and started to move closer to you.

"But I don't wanna be with you. Not anymore." You sniffled. Joe stopped in his tracks and watched you with shock on his face.

"Huh?" He asked.

"I'm not gonna do this. You just gotta leave now." You said.

"If it's the fighting, I can stop! I'll never argue with you again! I promise I can change! I can be the man you need!" Joe looked lonely as he pleaded with you. It sounded as if he was pleading for his life, which is exactly what you were to him.

"(Y/N), please-"

"Just go!" You barked.You could actually hear Joe's hear shatter into a billion pieces. He then turned from you and ran away. You looked at the calendar near the door and felt the tears well in your eyes.

Big Surgery

You sniffled and turned from the calendar.

Leaving Joe was for the best.

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