Pref #18: You Can't Sleep

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A/N: I feel like I never wrote this before but there's also a nagging part in the back of my head that tells me I did...oh well. ALSO thank you to everyone for the good lucks on my audition. I think I lowkey slayed it :)


You stared at the dark ceiling as the soft noises of the night acted as background music. Patrick's light snoring also calmed you, but you still couldn't sleep. You were about to get out of bed when Patrick's hand shot out and grabbed your arm.

"Where are you going, beautiful?" He mumbled sleepily.

"I can't sleep." You complained. Patrick sighed and pulled you next to him. He loved your hand up to his lips and peppered it with soft kisses.

"Just sleep tight lovely. I'm right here." He yawned. You smiled slightly and snuggled into Patrick's chest.

"Thank you Trick." You sighed.

"Anything for you." Patrick mumbled, his eyes closing to get back to sleep.


Joe slept soundly next to you as you watched Netflix on your laptop. You looked at the time on the corner of the screen and shrugged.

2:34 AM

You frowned as you grew thirsty for tea. You looked over at Joe and carefully got off the bed. You walked to the kitchen and began fill the kettle with water. While waiting for the kettle to boil, you received and unexpected guest.

"What are you doing up?" Joe asked. You turned to see him wearing his tshirt and boxers.

"I'm making tea. Want some?" You smiled. Joe lightly chuckled and shook his head at your odd ways.

"Sure. Can I get a cup of camomile?"

"Of course you can." The water boiled and you poured water into each cup with a tea bag. You grabbed the sugar and sprinkled it in the drink. You handed Joe his cup and took yours.

"You should sleep more." You said to Joe, staring at him from across the kitchen table.

"And why is that?" Joe smiled.

"Because you look cute when you sleep." You replied. Joe chuckled and kissed you swiftly.

"I love you." He confessed.

"And I love you." You said back.


Sometimes Pete's insomnia acts up and he'll be up doing anything and everything. The one night you found yourself unable to sleep, you discovered Pete in the kitchen at the table, haunched over, shirtless, writing something.

"Hey." You said quietly. Pete turned to you and the lines in his forehead disappeared as he smiled at you.

"What are you doing up Silly Bear?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"Couldn't sleep. Seems like you're having a similar problem." You answered.

"Come here. There's no point in the both of us not getting any sleep tonight." Pete sighed, patting the seat next to him. You pattered over to the chair and sat down looking at the napkin.

"Lyrics for a song. What do you think?" Pete asked. You peered at the napkin and smiled.

"You were the song stuck in my head." You read. You looked back up and Pete and kissed his cheek.

"Great." You stated.

"Awesome. Now to get you to sleep." Pete said, scooping you up in his arms. He carried you back to the bed and sang to you, something he rarely does. Let's just say, Pete's voice is the second most effective was to get you to sleep.


You laid on Andy's bare chest, using it as a pillow as you attempted to fall asleep. You looked down at the bright colored tattoo and started tracing the one of his left pec with care. Andy shifted and opened his eyes sleepily.

"(Y/N), what the hell?" He mumbled.

"Sorry. I can't sleep." You said innocently. Andy sighed and sat up against the bed head, pulling you with him.

"Well we can't have that now can we? How am I gonna get you back to bed darling?" Andy pondered. Your eyes only flickered back down to Andy's tattoos. He followed your gaze with his own.

"You wanna talk about my tattoos?" Andy asked. You nodded excitedly and snuggled closer into Andy's chest. He spent the rest of the night explaining his tattoos until you both fell asleep.

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