Pete Imagine: I Don't Love You (But I Always Will)

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He picked on you daily, but it was never physical or too mean. He mainly just made fun of you because you were a theater kid.

Pete Wentz was an ass, but he was an ass with morals.

"Hey (L/N), on your way to join the loser squad and work on your play?" Pete snickered, walking next to you. You rolled your eyes and looked at him.

"We're not losers Pete; we're just different." You argued.

"Whatever." Pete said. He stopped walking as you continued along. Then Patrick appeared from a classroom. Pete hated Patrick with a burning passion. Patrick didn't deserve you; he didn't know the first thing about taking care of you!

But then again, was Pete really qualified for the job either?

Pete scoffed and walked to administration. He was gonna do something about this at once.

*Next Day*

You walked into play practice the next day and stopped dead in your tracks. Pete Wentz was holding a script and talking into an ear piece.

"What are you doing here?" You asked. Pete looking up from his script and smiled at you.

"Assistant to the director. Need to get involved with school more, ya know." He answered.

"I thought theater was just for losers?"

"Well the. I fit right in, don't it?" Pete walked off in search for the director and left you confused. What was his angle?

*After Practice*

You started packing up your bag when Patrick came up behind you.

"(Y/N), you need a ride home?" He asked. You opened your mouth to answer, but was cut off by Pete's arm finding its way around your shoulders.

"(Y/N)'s fine. She's riding home with me." Pete interjected. Patrick just looked at you before nodding slowly.

" me later (Y/N)." He said leaving the auditorium. You looked at Pete, a light glare on your face.

"When did we decide you were driving me home?" You scoffed.

"When I decided we were going out for some pizza." Pete smirked. A small smirk also made its way on your face.

"Your confidence intrigues me, even though I definitely could've just shot you down." You commented.

"I'm glad you didn't. Pizza?" Pete smiled.

"Lead the way Wentz."

*At The Pizza Shop: 2 Hours Later*

"I never knew that about you." Pete chuckled slowly.

"It's true. I've always wanted to be an actress. It's my dream to be famous." You smiled, thinking on your dreams. Pete never thought you could look so beautiful.

"You definitely have what it takes to make it. I believe in you, (Y/N)." He whispered, grabbing your free hand.

"Well I believe you can be in a band Pete. I never even knew you played bass, but if you want it bad enough, you'll make it. All your dream will come true." You promised. Pete chuckled half-heartedly  and pushed around his half eaten slice of pizza.

"I've been picking on you since our freshmen year. That was 2 years ago. (Y/N), I'm so sorry for being such an ass to you." He apologized.

"I though we were just messing around? We weren't just having fun?" You frowned.

"I mean I never wanted to hurt you, physically or emotionally."

"Then it was all just for shits and giggles." Pete looked at you in disbelief. How could you be so forgiving to him?

"Th-Thank you." He stuttered.

"No problem Pete. Do you mind if we leave now? I've gotta get home and study for my math test tomorrow." You smiled sweetly. Pete blushed and nodded his head slowly. You pulled out your wallet, but Pete had thrown down $20.

"I drag you here, I pay." He said firmly. You thanked him and grabbed his hand as you walked to the car. Pete couldn't stop sneaking glances at you on the way home. You're literally breathtaking. Pete pulled up to your house and smiled at you.

"See you at school tomorrow?" He asked.

"Definitely. Thanks for the ride and the pizza Pete. I'll see ya." You replied. You kissed Pete's cheek before leaving the car and walking to your house. Pete couldn't wait for tomorrow.

To be continued...

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