Patrick Imagine: Like Real People Do

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A/N: I wrote this as a Bucky Barnes Imagine one day when I got bored and then I thought, hey, why not put YBC!Patrick in place of Bucky. So here it is. This imagine is based on the song Like Real People Do by Hozier. Enjoy!

He watched her in enchantment. She wasn't just some girl to him anymore. She was (Y/N) (L/N), the girl who managed to capture his heart with a smile. Patrick didn't have much friends after the incident that rendered him handless. On the bright side, he was able to remove the trigger that would be activated by music. He mostly kept to himself. How could he face his friends knowing that he killed them, although they were all given second chances on earth, he knew he screwed up the first one. 

"Patrick, we're gonna watch a movie. You wanna join us?" Andy asked from the other side of Patrick's door.

"No." Patrick answered firmly.

"Should I call (Y/N)?" Everyone but (Y/N) knew about Patrick's feeling towards her and frequently prompted him to act on said feelings. It was always the same excuse: who could love a monster like me?

(Y/N) was ordinary. She didn't experience any traumatic event, she had both her hands, and she goes to college. She was just a friend of the guys would talk to. She was the only normal person they knew and possibly the youngest they'd let themselves get in contact with after the incident. At the age of 20, (Y/N) was barely an adult, but her mental status said differently. She was far beyond her time which is probably why everyone liked her.

When (Y/N) first spoke to Patrick, she was trying to learn how to play guitar.

(Y/N) spent most of her time around musically gifted people and wanted to try. She sat in the living room trying to play chords on the guitar. Patrick was passing by the living room when he saw (Y/N)'s frugal attempt at training.

He decided he would try to communicate.

"H-Hey. Whatcha doin'?" He asked. (Y/N) turned around quickly, showing the confusion on her face.

"Oh, hey there Patrick. I'm just trying to play guitar." She smiled softly. Patrick decided from there on out that he liked it when (Y/N) said his name. He almost wanted to let her be the only one allowed to call his name.

"Do you want me to help you?" Patrick offered. (Y/N)'s face lit up and she clapped excitedly.

"Cool!" She giggled. Patrick walked next to (Y/N) and started to point out the chords she should know. Patrick just spent at least an hour teaching (Y/N) the proper techniques and by 3 A.M., she'd finally learned a song.

"I did it!" She cheered. Patrick smiled and got up.

"That you did. Good job (L/N). You should go get some rest." He said before turning to leave.

"Wait, Patrick, what were you doing up? It is kinda late." (Y/N) asked.

"Couldn't sleep." Patrick shrugged. At around 10 A.M., Patrick went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. All the other guys were up already talking and eating breakfast.

"Morning Trick." Pete smiled. Patrick just nodded and grabbed his cup of coffee. A few minutes later, (Y/N) came into the house, holding a guitar. Everyone just looked at her.

"Morning all." She smiled, heading to the coffee machine.

"Hey, since when do you play guitar?" Joe asked.

"Patrick taught me last night." (Y/N) replied before leaving with her coffee cup. Before leaving, she winked and flashed a smirk to Patrick. He smiled into his coffee cup as the guys went back to eating.

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