Joe Imagine: Friends With Benifits

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Warning. Some sexual content shall ensue.

"Yes Joe yes!" You moaned, fingers tangled into Joe's curly locks. Joe placed a hand on the headboard as his other was supporting your back.

"You feel so damn good (Y/N)." Joe groaned as he tried to keep his thrusts even. He hit a spot in you that made you arch your back.

"Joey, I'm close, I'm so close!" You cried, gripping your hands tighter in Joe's hair.

"Yeah...I'm almost there...too. Not...much longer now." Joe panted. Your toes curled in pleasure as Joe sped up.

"Joe!" You yelled feeling your insides clench.

"Shit!" Joe hissed, his hips faltering as he came with you. As you came down from your high, you heard what Joe was mumbling to you.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." He panted. Your whole body froze and you lightly pushed Joe off of you.

"You what?" You asked.

"N-nothing." Joe stuttered.

"You-You said this wouldn't happen. You said this couldn't happen."


"You knew what you were getting into Joseph. I don't do commitment and I refuse to keep sleeping with you if you're feeling committed."

"I don't love love you. Just like best friend love." You looked into Joe's pleading eyes and threw your clothes on.

"Sorry Joe. I just...I can't be around you anymore." You apologized before leaving Joe, naked on his bed, crying.

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