Andy Imagine: She Was My Friend

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A/N: I finished watching 13 Reasons Why today. I thought of this.

*Warning!!! Mentions of Suicide!!*

Andy watched your parents walk to your locker. They were here to collect your things and leave. Your mom held a tissue in her hands, your dad with an arm around her shoulder.

They were hurting and it was painfully apparent.

"Andy, you dealing alright?" Joe asked, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. Andy looked over at Joe, his face void of any emotion.

"I'll live." Andy replied. He closed his eyes and thought of your smile. The smile he'd never see again. The conversations you two would never again share.

"I have to get to Art. Are you cool getting to Physics alone? I know how these things can hurt." Joe frowned.

"I'll live." Andy repeated, tired of the questions. Joe patted his friend on the back before leaving. Andy began to walk to Physics, passing your parents. Your mother caught his gaze and squinted her eyes.

"'re Andy aren't you?" She asked.

"Yes I am, Mrs. (L/N)." Andy replied.

"(Y/N), she talked about you. You helped her out her first day here."

"I did."

"You made her so happy." Andy gave a tight lipped smile.

Obviously not happy enough, he thought.

"She was my friend." Andy choked out, thinking about the kiss you both shared about a week before he heard the news.

Before he heard you swallowed a whole handful of pills.

Your mom nodded, holding back a sob. Andy left for Physics, tears welling behind his eyes. The seat next to him would be empty. You weren't there. Before he got to the Physics room, he turned and walked into the bathroom. Once in a stall, he allowed the sobs to break free from his mouth.

He should have stopped you; he could have stopped you. You were his friend. He spent so much time with you. Every chance he got, he spent it with you. How could he have not noticed the signs? You were hurting and he missed it. He's the reason you're dead.

You were his friend...and so much more.

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