Andy Imagine: Wingman?

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You stood over in the corner of the Rouge One after party talking to your dear friend, Sebastian Stan, when Andy spotted you.

"Pete, is that (Y/N) (L/N)?" Andy asked, nudging his friend.

"Oh my gosh yeah. Jesus, her eyeliner is beautiful tonight. How'd she do that?" Pete asked, touching his own eyes.

"She's like my number one on my top 5 celebrity crushes."

"Who's after her?"

"Chris Evans."

"Retweet bro." Andy couldn't help but blush as you threw your head back in laughter. You wore a red skirt, black stockings, and a black long sleeve crop top.

"Dude, instead of watching her, maybe you should talk to her." Pete suggested.

"I can't just go up to her. Besides, she's with Sebastian Stan. There's no way I have a chance." Andy mumbled.

"Let me decide whether or not you have a chance. Follow my lead." Pete smirked. He walked over to you and Sebastian. Andy followed behind.

"(Y/N), how lovely to see you again! Girl your eyeliner." Pete exclaimed hugging you.

"Hey Pete. It's been a while." You smiled. Pete looked over to Sebastian and staggered exaggeratedly.

"Mr. Stan! We haven't met before, but I'm Pete Wentz, bassist from Fall Out Boy. My sons just love the Captain America franchise. My daughter even has a wall dedicated to you at home. Mind if I get a picture and autograph?" Pete asked.

"No problem whatsoever man. I would be nowhere without my fans." Sebastian smiled charmingly. Pete led Sebastian off to find the best lighting, leaving you and Andy alone.

"Hi, I'm Andy." Andy said shyly.

"I know. I'm a big fan of Fall Out Boy." You admitted sheepishly.

"That's always nice to hear."

"Yeah, I see you guys at premiers and award shows a lot. I'm just super nervous to go over to you first though. I probably sound stupid but I can't help but get cold feet." Andy blushed and scratched his head.

"I know exactly how you feel. You're an amazing actress by the way. The emotion you're like up there for best actors of our time." He chuckled. You laughed and blushed, turning away from Andy momentarily.

"You're sweet Andy, but I'm no Lin-Manuel Miranda." You replied.

"Exactly. You're (Y/N) (L/N), one of a kind." You bit your lip after hearing this and smiled at Andy.

"You wanna get dinner sometime? I'm here for another two weeks before I start working on a new movie." You suggested.

"I'd love to get dinner." Andy smiled. You smiled back and saw Sebastian coming back with Pete.

"We gotta get together sometime Seb. You should come over for dinner sometime. My kids would lose their minds." Pete laughed.

"Call me and we'll set it up. Take it easy Pete." Sebastian smiled. Pete laughed again and led Andy away from you and Seb. You waved goodbye, but not before sliding a card with your number into Andy's hand.

"So how'd things go with (Y/N)?" Pete asked.

"We're getting dinner." Andy smiled.

"Man, I'm the best wingman ever!"

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