Pref #21: Baby, It's Cold Outside

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You huddled into your blanket, desperately trying to conserve your warmth. Why does winter have to be so cold! You were contemplating setting yourself on fire, when a knock came from your door. You reluctantly opened it, but smiled when you saw Patrick holding two cups that seemed to contain warm liquids.

"If that's hot chocolate, I'll kiss you right now." You said seriously. Patrick smiled and let himself in.

"Lucky for both me and you, it is." He chuckled, placing down the cups. You squealed and kissed him quickly.

"You are my angel." You praised.

"Are you just saying that so you can put my picture on the tree again?" Patrick said slowly.

"It was cute! Pete loved it."

"Yeah cause Pete loves me."

"I love you too!" Patrick snickered and wrapped you into his loving arms.

"Let's cuddle and drink hot chocolate before it gets cold." He suggested.

"Whatever. I'm still putting you on the tree." You mumbled. Patrick laughed before kissing you.



Being a school teacher lowkey sucked. It was like being in school all over again, but you were the one who was hated by the students. It also sucked because the school district you work for is crappy.

Your alarm went off and you groaned, flipping over to look at Joe.

"Please fling my body down the stairs so I don't have to go to work." You pleaded.

"(Y/N), it'll be fine. You'll do great." Joe mumbled into his pillow.

"All the other school districts are closed. Why must mine be difficult?"

"Sorry babe." You took the covers off you body, automatically cringing at the cold.

"I don't wanna go!" You cried. Joe sat up and looked at you.

"(Y/N), you're a big girl now, you can do it." He yawned.

"But it's cold." You whined.

"If you go to work, when you come home, I'll be in this bed wearing nothing but reindeer antlers on my head."

"...but I'll still be cold." Joe groaned and stood up, cringing at the same cold that assaulted you.

"I'm gonna turn up the heat through the house. You better hurry and get ready." Joe sighed. You smiled and kissed his chastely.

"Thank you love." You said before running to the bathroom.


Pete handed you a tissue as you sneezed for the hundredth time. Freaking December weather.

"Thank you for staying with me. You're my favorite person." You sniffled gratefully.

"I'd hope I am. I mean, I do give you kisses and sex for the occasional I love you and holiday presents. But also, I'm wiping your snot from your nose. That pretty much takes the cake." Pete teased. You giggled before sneezing again.

"I'm gonna get some medicine from the cabinet. Don't miss me too much." Peter smiled.

"I think I can do that." You sniffled. When Pete came back, you took your medicine with minimal complaining.

"Alright now sleep. I'm gonna go play my bass." Pete said kissing your forehead.

"Don't go." You mumbled softly. Pete gave a small turn of his lips before looking towards the door.

"I can get my bass and play in here if you'd want." He suggested.

"Yes please." You smiled. Pete got his bass and sat on a chair next to you, strumming the deep notes as softly as he could.

"I love you." You yawned, closing your eyes. Pete watched you affectionately before going back to strumming his guitar.


"Boy, I am shook! Why is it so cold?" You groaned walking into the studio. 18 year old Fabian was walking next to you, holding 7 year old Winona's hand.

"Mom, it's literally the middle of December. It's fine to be a little shook by the cold." Fabian chuckled.

"Where's daddy?" Winona frowned. You heard Pete's iconic laughter from down the hall and smiled.

"He should be down here sweetheart." You said. You and your two children walked down the hall and turned into a room on the right.

"Surprise!" You cheered. Andy turned to you, eyes wide.

"Tell me I'm dreaming right now." He smiled.

"Daddy!" Winona yelled. She ran into Andy's arms as he hugged her tightly.

"Hey dad." Fabian waved.

"You told me you couldn't make it back from college." Andy playfully glared at his son.

"I pulled some strings and made it." Andy then looked back at you.

"You are the best wife I could ever ask for." He said truthfully.

"I wanted us all to freeze together." You joked.

"So no ones gonna acknowledge us?" Joe asked. You giggled and went to hug the guys, followed by Fabian and Winona.

"Miracles do happen huh." Andy smiled, his arm snaking around your waist.

"It's the holiday magic." You sighed. Andy just kissed you again.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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