Pete Imagine: Acceptance

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A/N: This is (hopefully) the final part in the whole 1 Week>3 Months imagine mini series I guess you can call it. The whole thing pretty much happened in real life to me and I needed somewhere to put it and now I think I've come to peace with it. Enjoy the imagine.

*WARNING! I mention weed like once*

It's a rare hello, rare meetings, and sometimes just seeing each other but not really being there.

It should hurt more, but it doesn't.

Your birthday comes and passes. You don't expect a happy birthday post from him, at least not anymore. You do get it though, but it doesn't feel special.

You've met someone. He's nice, but not exactly boyfriend material in your opinion. Everyone is happy for you though.

You're just going trough the motions.

You stood waiting for the bus and talking to your other friend Hayley.

"Hey (Y/N)! How're things going with Vic (he's the first person I though of even though he's lowkey bae)?" She gushed. Hayley was pretty much the only reason you were talking to Vic right now. What can I say? Hayley is the plug.

"I guess they're okay. He smokes weed like every other day though. I'm not really sure how to feel about it." You answer truthfully.

"Yeah I get that. But just imagine how cute you two would be!" You giggled and felt someone behind you.

"Ooo, who are we talking about?" A familiar voice asked.

"(Y/N)'s talking to my friend." Hayley said proudly. You turned to Pete and shrugged your shoulders.

"(Y/N) (L/N)? Collecting names and breaking hearts? Say it ain't so!" Pete fake gasped. You want to blurt out that you're not the one who collects names and breaks hearts, but you refrain from doing so.

"Yeah they're gonna be such a cute couple." Hayley adds. Pete smiled at you and you just flash a small smile back.

Because it's all you can do and, that's okay.

*1 Month Later*

You left the room for extra help and headed down to the lobby of the school. The extra help bus should be on its way soon and you don't wanna miss it. Before getting to the door, you see your friend, Janelle waving at you.

"(Your Nickname)! Come with me!" She practically yells, dragging you.

"Okay." You stutter. She pulls you into the English room where a bunch of kids from your grade are waiting for the extra help bus. Pete is there as well.

And Ashlee sits on his lap.

"I didn't know Pete and Ashlee were back together." You whisper to Janelle, hoping you sound more curious than slightly bitter.

"They're like one fourth back together. That's not his whole girl yet." Janelle explains. You almost laugh. When will Pete Wentz settle down and stop playing games with the hearts of females.

"Hey (Y/N)." Pete waves. Ashlee waves to you two. Your friends, but not good friend.

"Hey guys." You say. You take a seat across from Janelle, diagonal from Pete and Ashlee. Time flies by and gradually, you feel yourself start to loosen up. Your making jokes with kids in the room. Hell, you're even laughing with Pete. It's as if you finally don't care as much anymore. The bus comes and Pete sits next to you. Ashlee sits with one of her friends.

"We haven't talked in a while. Not like today." Pete points out.

"No, we haven't." You agree, looking into his brown eyes.

"I missed talking to you." Now the petty side of you wanted to yell and scream about how that's such a fuckboy line and how he should grow up, but instead you smile.

"We can talk more if you'd like." You suggest. Pete smiled back and nods eagerly.

"I'd like that a lot." He replied. When it's your turn to get off the bus, you notice Pete cuddling Ashlee in her seat before she leaves and it doesn't bother you as much as you thought it would. You walked of the bus and took in a deep breath. Things didn't feel so heavy anymore. You felt as though you could finally move on and let go of that last strand of hope, because you don't care.

You've finally accepted fate, and it's not that bad.

A/N: BTW this was prob trash but I needed to write it so don't flame me too much guys pls. I love you all so much for putting up with me and my sometimes trash imagines. I'm honestly so grateful for you all :).

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