Andy Imagine: Mermaids Aren't Real...Right? Pt. 3

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*1 Week Later*

"Oh Steve, he was actually dreamy." You gushed to your other friend. Steve always had a kind smile on his face. His large blue tail made yours look minuscule in comparison. Bucky swam right next to Steve.

"Told you she was head over heels for a human." Bucky laughed. Steve nudged his boyfriend.

"Your feelings are your feeling (Y/N). All I can say is that I'm glad you like something." He smiled.

"Okay enough heart warming shit. You said you found baby turtles?" Bucky asked in excitement. You laughed and swam up to the shore. Steve and Bucky popped up behind you.

"I was talking to their mom and she said they should be hatching today anytime now." You smiled. You and your friends watched in wonder as the turtles emerged from their eggs and traveled to the ocean.

"Life is freaking amazing." Bucky sighed happily. You were about to agree when you caught sight of the familiar man you saved.

"Guys, it's the human! He's here!" You gasped. Bucky and Steve's eyes traveled to Andy who was pacing the shore near the cave where you three hid.

"Woah, you weren't kidding when you said he had a lot of pictures on his body." Bucky whistled low.

"Isn't he beautiful?" You smiled.

"We don't know how dangerous he is (Y/N). We should go." Steve warned. He and Bucky started to back away, but you stayed rigid.

"I need to know what he's doing. Why would he come back?" You frowned.

"(Y/N), come on, Steve's right. What if this human is a danger to us?" Bucky pleaded.

"You guys go. I'll be okay, promise." You smiled slightly. Steve sighed and kissed your forehead.

"Be careful." He said sternly, before disappearing under the waves with Bucky. You hid behind the large cave and looked at the man from a safe distance. You could just barely make out what he was saying.

"You saved me...but dammit why. Why save me? What did I have that others didn't?" The man frowned. You watched in confusion. Did he want to die?

"Who are you? What did you see in me that I don't see?" He growled. It broke your heart to see the man in such anguish.

"Someone, send me a sign. Anyone!" He screamed into the vast ocean. Not a minute later a bird pooped on his shoulder and the man sighed.

"Is that the sign?" He asked, sounding defeated. You couldn't stifle the giggle that made its way past your lips. The man looked in your direction and you quickly moved behind the cave.

"Hey, who's there? I can see you ya know." The man called out. You panicked looking around for an escape. Surely if he almost drowned he can't swim well right? You can just dive under and go find Steve and Bucky. Then again, this was the man who had completely captured your attention. Should you let him slip through your fingers?

"Please show yourself. I'm not looking to harm you in any way." The man begged. You took a deep breath and peered at him from behind the cave. It was relatively close to shore so the man walked towards you almost automatically. You had the most beautiful (S/C) skin. Your (H/C) hair was matted down to your face as you watched the man approach you in slight fear and wonderment. When he climbed into the cave, coming very close to you, you smiled slightly. The man smiled back.

"I'm Andy." He said.

"(Y/N)." You replied, your voice a bit scratchy. Andy's eyes traveled down your body and stopped when he noticed something purple where your legs should be.

Keyword: should

"The purple tail. Y-You! You saved me when I was drowning." He gasped. You blushed and nodded your head.

"So...what are you exactly?" Andy asked tentatively.

"I'm a mermaid." You answered back softly. Andy's eyes widened comically. He put out a hand hesitantly before pulling back.

"Can I...I mean may I...if it's no problem, I'd like to touch your tail." He stuttered. You smiled and carefully lifted yourself to sit on the edge of the cave, so your tail was still in the water. Andy let his fingers softly trail the purple scales on your tail. They were majestic just like you. Andy looked back at your (E/C) eyes that were staring at him in wonder. Your first human. Never before had to been so close to one.

"I like your pictures." You blushed. Andy looked at his arm and smiled.

"These are actually called tattoos." He explained. You sat there for hours taxing stories of your people in exchange for stories about humans. When you notice the sun falling behind the ocean, you looked at Andy apologetically.

"I should go now. My friends must be worried. You will come see me tomorrow though, won't you?" You asked hopefully.

"Yes. Tomorrow at noon. I'll meet you at this exact spot." Andy confirmed. You smiled and dropped back into the ocean.

"Goodnight Andy." You blushed before disappearing beneath the waves. Andy watched feeling his heart beat out of control in his chest.

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry this took so long! I recently started watching Attack On Titian and got addicted fast. I finished season 1 & 2 and then the Infinity War trailer buzz was happening and I got caught up in that. Not to mention the crazy dreams I've been having lol. I hope this chapter was good for you guys. Love you all!

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