Patrick Imagine: There's Something About Patrick Pt. 5

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"Why shouldn't I just kill you now!" You yelled.

"Cause my meat suit has a pregnant wife and a son. They need him." Patrick smirked.

"Son of a bitch." You growled.

"You and Dean are really a match made in heaven huh?" You sat against the wall across from Patrick and sighed.

"Things were so much easier when I was a normal girl working at my aunt's pie shop." You mumbled.

Dean's POV

I got back in the Impala, car parts in hand, when I noticed I wasn't alone.

"Hello Dean." A British accent sounded. I sighed and turned to see Crowley.

"What is it now?" I groaned.

"It seems that we have a common goal today. Your wife to be is being held up by a demon who is planning on killing both you and her." Crowley explained. My breath got caught in my throat as I looked over at Crowley.

"A demon has (Y/N)?" I asked.

"Yup, and lucky for you, I have a bone to pick with that backstabbing traitor." He smiled. I growled and pressed my foot on the gas. I had to get back to (Y/N).

To be continued...

A/N: the next part will be the last part I promise. Idky but I kinda wanted this to drag on.

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