Pete Imagine: The Unfortunate Percentage Pt. 2

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*12 Months Later*

It happened about 3 or 4 months after your conversation with Pete. You got pregnant. This time you did everything strictly by the book and saw your doctor whenever something felt even the slightest bit off. You and Pete really wanted this baby.

When you started feeling sick about a month before your due date, your doctor had you admitted to the hospital and put on bed rest. 2 weeks later, your condition worsened. Pete sat outside in the waiting room, hoping for any good news. 2 hours later, a doctor came out.

"Would you like to see your daughter?" He said softly. Pete smiled and stood up eagerly. The baby made it! He walked with the doctor to the nursery. When Pete got saw the small child in the incubator, he felt his heart compress. There was a little baby with a tiny little nose and a small smile on her face. She was beautiful.

"Is everything okay with her?" Pete asked a bit nervously. No way he could have this perfect child without a catch. It's just not possible!

"Everything looks good so far Mr. Wentz. Would you like to hold her?" The doctor smiled. Pete nodded and let the doctor place the small baby in his arms. She made a tiny noise and Pete melted.

"Hi there little one. I'm your daddy." He said softly, playing with her little hand. Pete sat in a rocking chair next to the incubator staring at his daughter. What else could he say to this beautiful creation?

"Has (Y/N) seen her yet?" Pete asked, not taking his eyes off of his little miracle. Little did he know, you were flatlining on the OR table...

To be continued...

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