Pref #19: Parent/Teacher Conference

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A/N: So...I just realized in my last Joe imagine, I put Fabian as Joe's son...Zander is definitely Joe's son. Remind me to never let myself become that sleep deprived again. This was requested by @panicattheryden . Enjoy!


You and Patrick walked into Diana's 3rd grade classroom, Diana held onto Patrick's hand and you held 2 year old Declan in your arms.

"You're gonna love my teacher! Mrs. Frier is so nice." Diana gushed.

"I'm excited to hear what she has to say about you mi amor." Patrick smiled. When you and Patrick walked into the classroom, you young woman with brown hair stood to greet you.

"You must be Mr. and Mrs. Stump. Who is this cute little guy?" She smiled.

"This is my brother Declan, Mrs. Frier! The one who I thought was gonna be a girl." Diana blurted out, a wide smile on her face. Mrs. Frier laughed and looked down at Diana.

"Of course. I remember when you told me that story." She grinned. You and Patrick sat, Diana situated on Patrick's lap and Declan in yours. Patrick gave Diana his phone to play with so she'd be distracted.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stump, Diana is such a gifted child. She excels in her writing and reading, and is just an all around great student. She shows such eagerness to learn. It's actually refreshing to see a child so happy to receive knowledge." Mrs. Frier smiled. You looked down at Diana and then at Patrick.

"I'd like to say she takes after me, but I can't give myself all the credit." You laughed lightly. Patrick chuckled and kissed your cheek before kissing the top of Diana's head.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Frier." He said sincerely.

"I have some of Diana's work that you can take home but, other than that, our meeting is over. I just wanted to inform you of Diana's amazing work." Mrs. Frier said. You took the folder of Diana's work and left with your husband and children.

"Good job Ana! Daddy and I are so proud of you!" You cheered. Declan cheered in your arms and Diana smiled at him.

"Thank you guys." She said.


You and Joe dropped of Zander and Ruby at Pete's house before heading to Zander's 4th grade Parent/Teacher Conference. When you got to the school, you both walked into Zander's classroom. An older man stood by the door with a frown on his face.

"Mr. and Mrs. Trohman?" He asked.

"That's us." Joe smiled. The man rolled his eyes and took a seat behind his desk. You and Joe sat in front of the desk.

"I'm Mr. Donovan, your son's teacher." The man said dryly.

"Nice to meet you." You replied.

"Alright, so I'm gonna just come right out and say it: your child is a monster. Zander is so disruptive and snarky. I've never seen a 4th grader with his attitude. He gets such good grades but his attitude makes it hard to like him." Joe raised his eyebrow and leaned forward on the desk.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked.

"I'm sorry to say Mr. Trohman but your son is just rude." Mr. Donovan shrugged.

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