Pete Imagine: The Unfortunate Percentage

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*Mentions of Miscarriage*

"No." You answered simply.

"I think we-" Pete sighed in frustration.


"(Y/N), if you'd just-"

"I said no."

"Let me finish a damn sentence!"  You flinched slightly, but ultimately rolled your eyes at Pete.

"We should try again. It's not like we'd be replacing Rose." Pete pleaded.

"I'm not ready." You shook your head.

"But it's been 3 years."

"You weren't there Pete! You were somewhere off playing for thousands of people; and I was in the hospital, pushing out a child that I knew would never take a breath!" Pete got quiet. He always felt guilty about that day and he would never forgive himself for it.

"I know I wasn't there, and I can't begin to imagine how you felt, but honey...there comes a point where things should get better. I'm afraid you'll never get to that point unless we move on." Pete said softly. Your façade broke momentarily as your hands flew around yourself.

"What if it happens again? I-I won't be able to take that pain again." You stuttered. Pete took you into his arms and kissed your forehead.

"There's such a slim chance that it can even happen again (Y/N), but if it does, I'll be here every step of the way. I promise." He said. You sniffled and went over the question  in your mind before mumbling your answer.

"Yes." Pete smiled and kissed the top of your head.

You two were finally gonna get the child you deserved.

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