Pete Imagine: Monster!

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A/N: I am really trash at keeping up with requests. Found this one from a while back requested by mindlesssins

"Mom, dad, I'm home and I have guests!" Danielle called, walking into her house after a long day of a junior in high school. Cameron, China, and Cole followed her (someone watched a little too much Disney lol). You came down the stairs smiling at your daughter and her friends.

"Hey, its great to see you guys. Just hanging out today?" You asked.

"We have a school project to do, Mrs. W." Cameron replied.

"Oh, Pete's playing bass in the basement. How about you guys just go up to your room, Dani?" You suggested.

"Sure mom." Danielle smiled.

"There's snacks in the kitchen if you guys get hungry or just ask your dad for pizza money. I'm going out for a while." You said exiting the house.

"Dani, your mom is hot." Cameron grinned.

"Gross! Let's just go you loser." Danielle scoffed.

"I brought the make up!" China said.

"Awesome. This film project is gonna be stellar!" Cole said excitedly. For your film class, you had to create a short horror movie. Danielle would be the monster and China was going to do her make up to make her look terrifying. Cole was in charge of filming and Cameron would be the victim.

"Okay, sit here and let me get started. I've perfected this so I should only be about 45 minutes. Maybe an hour." China instructed, pointing to Danielle's chair.

"Aye aye captain." Danielle complied.

*An hour later*

Bronx picked up Saint after his extra help session, and came home to see Pete standing in the kitchen.

"Hey dad." Saint smiled running over to his father.

"Hey big guy, how was another day of 5th grade? You kick ass today?" Pete grinned, setting his son on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah!" The two high fived and Bronx cleared his throat.

"Next time father, don't bug me to go pick up your son." He said.

"And what were you doing that was so important, eldest?" Pete sighed.

"I was over at the high school..."

"Jesus Bronx, you're a whole sophomore in college. Can you leave the little high school girls alone?" Bronx huffed and walked up to his room.

"Daddy, is Danielle home? I did my art project on her and want to show it to her." Saint asked innocently. Truthfully, he had drawn a picture of his sister, it just wasn't very flattering.

"She's up in her room buddy." Pete replied. Saint run up the stairs and to his sister's room.

"Danielle look what I-" Saint froze as he opened the door. Something was perched over Cameron, making deep horrible scratches in his chest. The thing turned to him and Saint heart fell to his stomach.

It was Danielle.

"DAD!" Saint yelled, tears already flowing down his cheeks. He ran down the stairs, sobbing and shaking. Pete met him at the bottom.

"Hey, Saint, what's wrong?" Pete asked, checking for any missing limbs.

"We have to leave now! There's a's Danielle! She's killing Cameron!" Saint sobbed.

"Huh?" Suddenly a creek came from upstairs and Pete turned to see what Saint was talking about. To be honest, he flinched back at the sight.

"You ruined our video

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"You ruined our video." Danielle growled out, voice hoarse from lack of use.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" Saint cried harder, hiding in his father's chest.

"Dani, finish your project and get that make up off. I got your brother down here." Pete said softly. Danielle nodded, a bit confused.

After 30 minutes, the project was finally done, and she was able to get that icky make up off. Cameron, Cole, and China left soon afterwards.

"Dad, what's up?" Danielle asked coming down the stairs. Pete sat on the couch, Saint's head still hiding in his chest.

"What's his problem?" She frowned, motioning to Saint.

"Your make up scared him." Pete explained.

"Oh please. Saint don't be a baby." Danielle, reached toward her brother, only to have him squeal and move farther away from her. It actually kind of hurt.

"Saint? Dude, it's just me. Look, no make up." She said softly.

"No! Get away!" Saint cried. Danielle pulled back her arm and looked up at her dad.

"What do I do?" She asked. Pete could only shrug. He was truly stumped.

Wait a minute...

Stumped= Stump= Actual Sunlight= Patrick Stump= Fall Out Boy!

He had an idea!

"Saint, you remember that music video daddy was in when he was a vampire?" Pete asked.

"Mmhm." Saint confirmed.

"Well, I don't actually have fangs and stuff, 'cause I'm not really a vampire. You see, it was just special effects make up, like what Dani was wearing. She's not really a monster." Pete explained slowly.

"Yeah, and even if I was a monster, Saint, I'd never hurt you. You're my little brother and I love you." Danielle added. Saint raised his head slightly and peered over at his sister. Her face was bare of any make up, special effects or any other kind.

"H-hey, I don't even know why I was so scared before. You look a lot more scarier without make up." Saint joked shakily. Danielle laughed and chucked a couch cushion at him.

"You're a brat." She said, her words lacking any malice. Pete smiled at his kids and looked at the picture he had of all the guys and their kids.

"Hey, thanks Patrick." Pete mumbled, touching Patrick's face in the picture.

"Boom, memed it." He whispered.

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