Pref #4: He Doesn't Like Your Boyfriend Pt. 2

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You knocked on Patrick and Pete's door, holding a heart shaped pizza. Patrick opened the door wearing grey sweatpants and a black vneck.

"Hey there." You smiled apologetically.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Patrick asked, pleasantly surprised.

"The movie finished and then AJ was gonna take me out for dinner. But I'd much rather eat with you and Pete." You walked past Patrick into the apartment. Patrick frowned and looked into your eyes.

"That's not all that happened, is it?" He asked noticing the slight puffiness of your eyes.

"Crap. You're too damn observant." You chuckled half-heartedly.


"AJ said it was him or you. I chose you. He broke up with me." Patrick placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you into a hug.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized.

"I'm not." You said truthfully. Patrick watched you in confusion, pulling out of the hug.

"If I have to choose between you and something else, nine times out of ten, I choose you." You explained.

"I'll always choose you too." Patrick smiled, his hand moving up to cup your cheek. You leaned into his touch, placing your own hand over his.

"You make me feel so safe. It's like with you...I'm home." You whispered.

"Then stay awhile." Patrick whispered back. You both moved to close the gap between your lips and instantly melted into each other.

"Okay bitches! Get some!" Pete hooted, walking into the kitchen in low hanging jeans. Patrick pulled out of the kiss with a scowl on his face.

"Don't you have company or something?" He groaned. Pete just smirked pouring out juice into a cup.

"I'm not a monster, Patrick. You have to treat your guests with respect. Poor girl can't go another round without the proper nutrition." Pete explained. He walked back to the bedroom with the juice and Patrick turned back to you.

"I gotta get my own place." He complained. You just laughed and pulled his lips back to yours.


You sat on the brown grungy couch as the stench of alcohol and weed filled your nose. Chad was off somewhere doing shots or smoking something and you felt so out of place.

"Yo (Y/N), someone's outside for you!" Frank said, his boyfriend, Gerard, trailing behind him.

"Thanks." You doled softly. You walked into fresh air and saw Joe holding out a hoodie for you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I should be asking you that. This place isn't your scene (Y/N)." Joe frowned.

"I know, but it's Chad's."

"I don't understand what you see in that guy! He's a complete asshole."

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