Andy Imagine: Let Me Pick Up The Pieces Pt. 2

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*2 Months Later*

You sat in the lunch room for your morning study hall period as you worked on Geometry homework.

"Bagel for breakfast?" Andy asked sliding a bagel to you. You smiled as he sat across from you.

"Thanks Andy. This geometry is just so long and sort of confusing." You sighed.

"It's confusing because you fall asleep almost everyday." Andy chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee.

"It's also really boring." Andy laughed before pulling out his English homework.

"English is boring." He commented.

"I know. I fall asleep there too." You agreed making Andy laugh again.

"Dammit (Y/N), you need to start sleeping at night."

"But night time is lit!" You and Andy laughed until a voice ruined it all.

"So you sleep with him, but not with me?" Alex scoffed. Your smile fell into a thin line as you looked up at Alex.

"I'm not sleeping with anyone Alex. I wish I could say the same about you." You rolled your eyes. Alex chuckled and leaned in closer to you.

"I always knew you were holding out on me. You're just a prude bitch and you never even loved me." He spat.

"I did love you, even though it pains me to admit it." You countered.

"Whatever you slut. No one could ever love you if you never give it up. I should've asked if you sucked dick though. You probably do." Andy stood up and shoved Alex away from you.

"That's enough! I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you talk down on (Y/N). This girl treated you nothing less than right, yet you treated her like trash. You're scum and you make me sick." Andy growled.

"Damn, is the head that good?" Alex smirked. Andy pulled back his fist and let it connect to Alex's face. Alex went down swinging his arms in confusion.

"Oh shit." You gasped in surprise. You glanced over at Andy who was looking down at his own fist.

"I'm definitely getting suspended." He mumbled. 

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