Pref #25: He Puts You In The Friendzone Pt.3

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*2 Years Later*

Patrick had gotten married. It was expected by everyone anyway. He really loved Elisa and she loved him. It was bound to happen some day. You were even apart of the wedding as one of Elisa's bridesmaids. You stood over by the open bar as the reception took place.

"Hey." A voice said as you sipped on a flute of champagne. You turned to see Patrick in his suit smiling at you.

"Dude, congratulations." You smiled back hugging him. You wore a red dress that hugged your body perfectly.

"Thank you. It feels so surreal. I'm married." Patrick laughed lightly.

"You deserve it Trick. You're a nice guy." You replied.

"Where's Grant?"

"Dancing with Elisa. He decided to give me a break from all the dancing. He probably just got tired of having his feet stepped on." Patrick snorted and looked over at you.

"Look at us. You're in a serious relationship and I'm married. You ever thought this would happen?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, but not exactly like this." You sighed. You had gotten pretty buzzed from the champagne, so now you had lost a bit of your filter.

"What do you mean?" Patrick frowned.

"I like you Patrick for a really long time, but I was scared to say anything." You explained.

"(Y/N), I never knew."

"I didn't want you to, goof. You liked Elisa and you were happy with her. I only ever wanted you happy Patrick."

"But are you happy?"

"Hells yeah! Grant is an amazing guy and he treats me perfectly. I really do love him." Patrick smiled weakly and hugged you again.

"As long as you're happy." He whispered in your ear.

"Well, now we're both happy." You grinned.

"Yup, we made it."


*3 Months Later*

You walked to the lunch room with Aaron walking beside you.

"I don't understand what gets her knickers all in a twist. We all do homework and get good marks. The one time someone whispers, she loses her head!" He explained making you laugh. Your history teacher had problem today with a kid in the class and just exploded on him. It was hilarious.

"You notice how she never yells with her eyes open? That is the funniest part!" You snickered. Aaron started laugh as you both sat at the lunch table. Joe sat there with Marie on his left.

"Hey guys." You smiled. You still didn't approve of Joe's relationship with Marie, but he loves her. Besides, why waste your time loving someone who loves somebody else?

"Hey." Marie and Joe chorused.

"(Y/N), wanna come over and do Chem homework later?" Joe asked hopefully. It had been so long since you two had hung out, even though he was mostly at fault.

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