Patrick Imagine: Keep Biting That Lip...

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Patrick knew you through Andy and vice versa. If Andy never introduced Patrick to you, he wasn't too sure he'd be able to do it himself. You were...intimidating in a way. You had this confidence about you that Patrick couldn't bring himself to obtain.

"Stumpy, come to the bar with me tonight. We're gonna find you a girl." You smiled as you talked to Patrick on the phone.

"(Y/N), I just wanna stay at home and watch some Netflix." Patrick whined.

"Come out tonight and we can find someone to watch Netflix with you, if you catch my drift." Patrick sighed in defeat. He could never win against you.

"I'll be ready at 7:30." He conceded.

"Awesome! I'll be over there at 7:45." You cheered.

*At The Bar*

You wore a red tank top under a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans. Your boots had on some serious height and intimidation. Patrick was almost afraid of you.

"How about that blond over there? She looks like the type who doesn't go out every single night. That sounds good for you." You suggested as you sipped on your drink. Patrick just bit his lip, something he had taken a habit of doing since meeting you, and shook his head.

"I'm not really feeling it." He answered.

"That's alright. The night is still young my friend.

*3 Hours Later*

Patrick had rejected every girl you suggested and now you were more than a little annoyed.

"There was nothing wrong with every girl in this club Patrick!" You yelled at Patrick nursing a mixture of some drink.

"I wasn't feeling any of them." He shrugged.

"You didn't even give them a chance! It's like you want to be by yourself!" You hissed in frustration. Patrick bit his lip for what could've been the 50th time that night and lowered his head.

"Keep biting that lip and I'll have to bite it for you." You sighed, before taking a shot of the drink in front of you. Patrick paused his actions, eyes wide in surprise. This didn't seem to phase you at all.

"E-Excuse me." He stuttered.

"You heard me Stump." You replied, a wicked smirk now adorning your face.

Patrick was gonna need a few more drinks if he was gonna be able to muster enough confidence for a comeback.

To be continued...

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