Pete Imagine: Dr. (Y/N) (L/N) M.D.

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A/N: Requested by mylifewentzdownswngn

"Mr. Wentz, how are we today?" You asked, strolling into your patients room. Rounds were always early, but Pete was your favorite part. He's only been here for a day, but you enjoy his company.

"Eh, I barfed up blood only like once during the night. Improvement huh?" Pete smiled weakly. You smiled back and wrote it down on Pete's chart.

"Geeze, seems like every time I feel as though you're improving, you decide to start vomiting blood again." You pointed out.

"What can I say, my body likes you."

"Well, it wasn't because of your nosebleed so we can cross that out." You checked Pete's charts and machines once again, highly confused on what could be going wrong.

"Don't stress over me too much beautiful. I don't wanna be the reason you get worry lines at such a young age." Pete shamelessly flirted. You admittedly chuckled before looking down at your feet.

"Peter, as much I enjoy your company, I'd enjoy it even more if I knew what was wrong." You mumbled. You walked back over to Pete and started pressing down on his stomach.

"Take me out to dinner first." Pete hissed, obviously feeling pain.

"That hurt?" You asked.

"Yeah. Hurt like a bitch, pardon my language." You sighed and bit your lip.

"Pete, I'm gonna take you in for another upper endoscopy today. Just to check and make sure we haven't missed anything." You explained. Before leaving, you felt Pete's hand reach out to grab your arm. He looked at you with those brown eyes that never failed to melt your heart.

"You're gonna be here before they put me under, right?" Pete asked a bit worriedly. You smiled and patted his hand.

"I'll try and fix my schedule around it." You promised. Pete let go of your hand satisfied by the answer and you left.

*3 Hours Later*

Pete was all prepped and ready to be taken in for his procedure when you walked into the room.

"There's my sunshine." Pete breathed out, relieved to see a familiar face. You smiled and placed your hand on Pete's own.

"Don't worry Pete. Everything's gonna be just fine. Dr. Barnes will make sure everything's okay." You assured him.

"And you're not gonna be there?" Pete frowned.

"Wish I could, but I'm needed for a couple consults. I'm one of the few general surgeons on call tonight."

"Alright, but you better be here when I wake up. I don't like waking up alone."

"Where's your cute little friend? The one with the fedora."

"Patrick? He's gotta be with his kids. Don't wanna drag him down here."

"I'll see what I can do Pete." Then it was time for Pete to be taken to an OR. You watched him get rolled off and then ran to take care of your consults. You wanted to be done as fast as you can in hopes to be back before Pete was.

*1 Hour Later*

Pete opened his eyes to see you half asleep on his arm. A smile made its way on his face and he pushed a lock of (H/C) hair from your face.

"Hey Doc, you okay there?" Pete mumbled, shaking you lightly.

"Hmm?" You moaned, eyes slowly opening. When you saw those beautiful brown eyes staring at you, you realized where you were. You sat up quickly, wiping any drool that may have escaped past your lips.

"Not to sound creepy or anything, but you look really adorable when you're asleep." Pete stated. You blushed and fixed your coat.

"I could say the same about you Mr. Wentz." You replied back smoothly. Pete chuckled when a nurse with blonde hair knocked on the door.

"Yes?" You said, turning to the man behind you.

"I have the results for Mr. Wentz's endoscopy." The nurse said.

"Thanks, Way." You smiled. You read them over and frowned.

"My god, why didn't we see this sooner?" You mumbled.

"Something wrong? You look like someone just told you you were the father." Pete chuckled lightly. You quickly slapped on a small smile and looked up at Pete.

"Okay, so your stomach has been perforated by something, maybe something you ate, so that's what's been causing the bleeding. I think, we're gonna have to go in and take it out." You said as calmly as possible.

"Like surgery?" Pete asked.

"Yeah." It got quiet and then Pete looked up at you.

"I want you to do it." He insisted.

"Pete...I don't think I can." You confessed.

"Why not? Isn't this a job for a general surgeon?"

"It's just, my judgement is clouded when it comes to you. It would be like me operating on my family. I can't make a clear choice."


"Hey, I'm gonna put you on the OR board and get you the best general surgeon I know." Pete nodded and you walked off to find Dr. Iero and schedule Pete's surgery for tomorrow.

*3 AM*

You were attempting to fall asleep in an on call room when your pager went off. You quickly sat up and looked at it. A 911 page to Pete's room. Wasting no time, you threw on your white coat and ran to Pete's room. He sat there, many doctors around him as he vomited bright red blood into a bin.

"Dr. (L/N), we can't wait any longer. Whatever perforated his bowel has made a larger tear and the blood flow isn't stopping." Nurse Way explained.

"Did you page Dr. Iero?" You asked, your eyes never leaving Pete's scared ones.

"Yes, he's scrubbing in in OR 5."

"Well, let's get Mr. Wentz to OR 5!" You walked to Pete's side and took his hand in yours. He had taken a break from spitting up the disturbingly red blood and was trying to catch his breath.

"Don't worry. You're gonna be fine." You assured Pete.

"Go on" Pete said before throwing up more blood in the bucket.

"Dr. (L/N), Dr. Iero and the OR are all ready." Another nurse, Nurse Williams said running into the room.

"Let's go people!" You ordered, ignoring Pete's comment. He was rolled off and you were left standing in the empty room torn between your heart and your head.

This was your patient.

To be continued...

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