Joe Imagine: The Beginning Of Our Story

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It's been on and off for 3 years. You and Joe were together for 4 months until you broke up for 1 month and then were back together. It went like that for 3 years, but this time it sounded final.

"I'm breaking up with you." You said, refusing to look Joe in the eye. He frowned and took your free hand in his.

"(Y/N), I know we have this on and off thing going, but we didn't even fight recently." Joe said in confusion.

"I...I got a scholarship, full ride." You sniffled, tears building up in your eyes.

"But that's great! Where are you going?" Joe smiled.

"England." Joe's smile dropped and your head finally rose. Your mascara was running with the tear streaks staining your cheeks.

"England." Joe repeated.

"It's such a great school. I have to go Joseph!" You cried.

"What about us? Everything we've built? I love you." You wiped your eyes and removed your hand from Joe's.

"I will always love you, but I can't be with you." You explained before walking away.

*Two Weeks After Graduation*

You were due at the school early to settle yourself in. It was hard to pack up all your things without feeling nostalgic. Your parents and loved ones cried more than once. Now, you stood in the airport, bag in hand, preparing to board the plane. You ran through your last conversation with Joe and all the memories you shared with him.


You laid on your bed staring at the tacky glow in the dark stars you stuck up there when you were 11.

"Do you think we'll make it somewhere someday?" You whispered. Joe looked over at you with adoration in his eyes.

"I know you'll make it (Y/N). One day, you'll have the world eating out of your hand." He said honestly. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, turning to face him.

"I love you Joe. I'm glad I have you to rely on." You mumbled.

"I love you too (Y/N), and I'm glad you decided to let me in." Joe smiled back.

*End Of Flashback*

You touched your cheek to discover you were crying. That was the first time you had said I love you to Joe.

And a few weeks ago, you said goodbye.

"British Airways to England is now boarding." The flight attendant said. You stood up and looked around. You walked into the plane and found your seat. You settled into your seat and looked out of the window. You'd really never see Joe again. It was over for you two.

Your story was over.

"Do you mind moving moving your bag so I can sit?" A familiar voice asked. Your eyes widened as you turned the the person. Your heart broke, then repaired itself, and broke all over again as you saw Joe smiling at you.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" You stuttered.

"We weren't really on speaking terms so I couldn't tell you, I got accepted to a school in England too. It's a music school." Joe explained.

"So you're coming with me?"

"I couldn't let my girl go and see the world without me. Who's gonna hold you when you get cold and pick you up when you fall?"

"...You will." Joe sat next to you and brought his lips to yours.

"This is only the beginning of our story (Y/N). I won't let it end with us not together." He mumbled. You smiled and held Joe's hand.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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