Pref #8: Divorce Pt.2

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*2 Months Later*

Patrick rolled out of the bed of his shitty apartment next to some random girl. With a groan, he looked up, begging the ceiling for forgiveness, hoping he would not recall the events that no doubt took place on the very bed he sat on. Patrick's phone vibrated and he looked down at it.

The kids want to see you.

Patrick grimaced, his hangover from the previous night hitting.

"There's never a right time, huh." Patrick mumbled to himself. He took two Advils and got to his car. He drove to the house where he ruined everything. The house which held his children and the beautiful woman who used to be his wife.

But he threw that all away.

Pulling into the driveway, Patrick parked the car and walked up to the door. He knocked and was met with Diana's smiling face.

"Hi daddy." She grinned.

"Hey princess." Patrick smiled, picking up his daughter whom he hasn't seen in two months. He breathed in her familiar scent and held her tightly.

"Hi Patrick."

Patrick looked away from Diana and saw you holding Declan. He hated to say this, but if divorce was a competition, you were definitely winning.

Your face showed no signs of tears, loss of sleep, or major stress. Patrick envied you.

"Hey (Y/N), you look good." Patrick said awkwardly.

"Pilates." You joked. Patrick carefully put down Diana before reaching for Declan, barely a year old. Once he had him in his arms, the gravity of his actions hit. Patrick looked up at you, tears building up in those blue green eyes, and you panicked knowing exactly what he was gonna say and the effect it would have on you.

"I love-"

"The fact that you decided to stop by! I have to go get groceries from the supermarket now. Watch the kids!" You said cutting Patrick off. You left the house, slamming the door shut behind you. If you heard him say those words you knew you'd give in, and you just couldn't. Patrick isn't good for you.

He cheated on you 5 times.


Joe left after your fight to go and stay with Andy for a while, leaving you sobbing pitifully on the couch.

"Mom?" Zander said softly. You turned and quickly wiped your eyes, trying to compose yourself.

"Hey Zand! I'm sorry, I just-"

"It's fine mom. You can cry if you need to." Zander cut you off, sitting next to you. You sighed and rested your head on you 16 year old son's shoulder.

"No matter how irresponsible your father can be, we raised you right." You sniffled. Zander smiled and placed a hand on the top of your head.

"Yeah. You guys were so happy back then. What happened, mom?" Zander asked.

"It's just...I don't know. I know I still love your father. I do! I still see him as the man I grow old with. I don't even want to divorce him, but he brought it up! I don't know anymore Zander."

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