Pete Imagine: We Are One

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A/N: I was listening to Johanna from the Sweeney Todd soundtrack while writing this. Just thought you should know :)

You stood by your window looking at the people who walked up and down the street. Father wouldn't allow you out of the house, so this was your socialization time. Just watching and waving through a window (lol musical humor).  You watched and waited, until you saw him.

Pete peered up at the window where (Y/N), the most beautiful girl in town, lived. He'd come and visit her everyday just to see those (E/C) eyes and her (H/C) hair. Everything about her just screamed out to him. Pete waved carefully as to not alert anyone of their communication.

You smiled at Pete Wentz, the poor boy with black hair, and waved back. A rare smile quickly adorned your face. You noticed a cage sitting next to Pete as he opened it. A small linnet bird flew out of the cage and up to your window. You opened the window, allowing in the bird. There was a message tied to its feet. You took the note carefully and looked at the messy scribble.

Leave your window open tonight.

You looked back outside but Pete was already gone. There was a knock at your door and you quickly dropped the note out the window.

"(Y/N), what have I told you about opening the window during the day! People can see you!" Your father scolded walking into your room.

"Sorry father. It was becoming quite hot in here." You apologized.

"Open it tonight if you get hot." Father left and you peered back out the window. You caught a glance of Pete walking away before you pulled the curtains.

*That Night*

Pete climbed up the side of your house, the window open making it almost too easy. As soon as he got in, he saw you sitting on your bed, reading a book.

"So you are more beautiful up close." Pete muttered, at a complete loss for words. He never could've imagined how much your beauty could affect him. You turned to Pete, a smile on your face.

"Pete, it's an finally be here with you." You said truthfully.

"Now that's my line." Pete said with a lovesick look on his face. You took Pete's hand and guided him to your bed. You both sat there watching each other. Pete, so dirty and covered in ash, holding your clean, and soft hands.

"I feel you." Pete said softly.

"I beg your pardon?" You asked.

"Being here with you for the first time, it's like I'm actually feeling your emotions along with my own. I was half convinced that you were a dream. Happily I was mistaken."

"Oh Pete."

"Your father must be foolish to think that walls could hide you. I'll steal you, (Y/N), and one day we can live just the two of us. That is my promise to you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." You blushed. Pete turned you to face him.

"But I can keep this one. You have my word." He mumbled before kissing you. Pete pulled out of the kiss, the both of you breathing at the same pace.

"We are one." You smiled.

"That we are love."

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