Pref #16: Thanksgiving

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A/N: I am 100% aware that thanksgiving was like two days ago but I don't care :) enjoy!


You, Patrick, Declan, Diana, and your new addition to the family, Lucas Stump, sat around the dinner table.

"Okay, I just wanna say, I'm so very thankful for this Turkey." Patrick moaned as he shoveled the delicious food into his mouth.

"Jesus dad, don't inhale it." Diana frowned.

"Well, I'm thankful for all of you." You smiled.

"I'm thankful that mom had a boy!" Declan cheered excitedly.

"I'm thankful that Lucas was spared from being apart of the "D" squad." Diana scoffed. Declan glared and threw a string bean at Diana's face.

"The "D" squad is awesome. We have Derek Shepherd." He defended.

"McDreamy can't save the "D" squad, Dork! Doesn't matter how dreamy he is." Diana sneered flinging a carrot at her brother.

"No food fight! You aren't setting a good example for Lucas." You reprimanded. Lucas sat in his high chair playing with his apple sauce.

"Patrick, what are you really thankful for?" You asked.

", the children, and this food." He listed. You rolled your eyes and kissed his forehead.

"Whatever crazy. I love you too." You sighed.


You stood in the kitchen, watching the timer while you burped your daughter, Lilianne.

"Mommy, can you put my hair in pig tails please?" Ruby asked, running into the kitchen.

"Sorry Rubes, go find daddy or Zander. They can help you." You frowned, bouncing slightly.

"Alright." Ruby ran upstairs and you placed Lilianne in her hair hair. Your whole family was coming over for Thanksgiving and they can just be so overwhelming. You opened the oven and pulled out the pie.

"I smell pie!" Zander announced. He came bounding into the kitchen wearing a red plaid shirt over his white t-shirt and dark blue jeans.

"You dress like a young Winchester." You chuckled lightly. Zander smirked and stuck a pose.

"What can I say? I guess I'm just hunter material." He teased. You laughed back and kissed Zander's temple.

"Can you take Lilianne to get dressed please?" You requested.

"Of course mom."

"Thank you." Zander picked up Lilianne flawlessly and cooed at the little girl.

"Come on Lil, we're gonna put you in your dressy." He said walking towards the stairs. Joe and Ruby then came downstairs as you were mixing the coleslaw.

"Babe, your parents should be here any minute." Joe updated.

"And my hair looks horrible!" Ruby complained.

"I think it looks pretty good..."

"Guys, I don't have time for this. Joe, set the table and Ruby just wait for Zander. He'll fix your hair." You groaned. Ruby ran to the living room while Joe walked behind you.

"You alright beautiful?" He asked.

"This is my first time hosting thanksgiving for my family. I'm just afraid they'll judge me if its not perfect." You confessed. Joe bit his bottom lip in thought before smiling at you.

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