Pref #22: It's a FOB Christmas (And Other Holidays)!

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A/N: I'm gonna bring this back since it's been 2 years since I first started writing these :)


"Mistletoe! Now ya gotta kiss me." Patrick said to you.

"Patrick, I kiss you everyday. We're literally married." You giggled.

"Yeah, but it's special if it's under the mistletoe." You rolled your eyes before pulling Patrick's lips to yours. At that same moment, 15-year-old Diana and 8-year-old Declan came downstairs.

"Gross." They both said. You broke this kiss and looked at your children.

"Don't worry. This just means your mommy still loves me." Patrick smirked. You laughed before walking into the kitchen.

"Start opening your gifts you guys. I'm gonna finish up breakfast." You announced. Diana and Declan ran to the tree pulling out whatever boxes the could find. Declan opened his first.

"An Xbox One! Thank you guys." He gasped in shock.

"Oh my gosh! You guys bought me the black bomber jacket I wanted! This is gonna go great with my army green V-neck." Diana cheered next. You walked out of the kitchen to see Patrick holding a large present. It looked like a painting.

"For my lovely wife." He smiled.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Open it." You opened the box and tears instantly filled your eyes.

"Patrick, you didn't." You sniffled.

"Oh but I did." He replied. You set down the box and hugged your husband.

"What'd dad get you, mom?" Diana asked you.

"It's a collage of our memories together. From one we great met to when he had you guys." Patrick answered for you.

"Thank you so much Patrick. I feel bad now. All I got you was a new fedora." You said sheepishly pulling out of the hug.

"A new fedora?! Yes!" Patrick ran to find his box, more excited than Declan or Diana had been. Christmas morning is always the best with your little family.


*This imagine will speak of religion*

Joe is Jewish, but he still celebrates both holidays. He says its so his children grow up with an understanding of both holidays.

In the morning, you all opened your presents while Joe told the story of Jesus's birth, the Virgin Mary, and the three kings. You just watched in wonderment.

"So, Jesus's mommy was a virgin?" Ruby asked.

"That's right baby." Joe smiled.

"Is mommy a virgin?" Ruby frowned. Zander fought back his laughter and you looked over at Joe, hoping he had an explanation.

"Yes, and mommy will forever be a virgin, just like you should be." Joe said quickly, kissing the side of Ruby's head. You just chuckled and handed Zander his gift from you.

"Merry Christmas, Zand." You smiled.

Later that evening, Joe let Zander light the second candle of Hanukkah. He then sat on the floor with the kids and told them the story of Hanukkah.

"You see, the Holy Land of Jerusalem was ruled by Syrian-Greeks. They tried to force the people of Israel to accept Greek culture and beliefs. This didn't sit so well with the Israelites so they fought for what the believed in. The faithful Jews, led by Judah the Maccabee, defeated the army and drove the Greeks from the land. They reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, so we celebrate Hanukkah in commemoration for the rededication of the Temple." Joe explained.

"Wow dad, that's pretty cool." Zander smiled.

"Why do we those potato pancake things? Ruby asked.

"The latkas? It's just customary to eat foods fries in oil, Ruby." You chimed in, proud to have knowledge on one point. Joe smiled up at you and nodded.

"That's true." He said.

"Also, the latkas are ready you guys." You added. Zander and Ruby ran into the kitchen leaving you alone with Joe.

"I like the way you keep them as such well rounded people. In fact, you keep this whole family rounded." You confessed. Joe smiled and kissed you softly.

"I owe it all to you for blessing me with such amazing children." He replied.

"Happy Hanukkah, love." You grinned.


You sat on the couch watching Saint play with his new train set, Pete was helping Bronx set up his new PlayStation and Danielle was in her room trying on her new clothes. All you could do was watch your kids.

Bronx was heading off to college in the fall and Danielle wasn't that far behind. Soon your only have Saint and he'd soon leave. Who knows when you'd get another Christmas like this?

"What's on your mind cupcake?" Pete asked sitting next to you.

"We have a pretty full house as it is right now Pete, but just think about it, in a blink of an eye, it's gonna be just me and you." You sighed.

"And we can screw around like we used to before the kids were born." You scoffed and shoved Pete lightly.

"Pete, our family could never be the same once the kids leave. I don't know. I'm just gonna miss my babies." You frowned. 

"Alright, my other gift to you this year is an option." Pete offered.

"Which is?"

"I will graciously partake in unprotected sexual intercourse with you so that we can have another child."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Call it a win-win situation." You squealed and hugged your husband.

"Best Christmas ever!" You cheered.


Fabian ran down the stairs expecting to see presents under the tree. It confused him when he saw you and Andy yelling at each other.

"I didn't get a Pandora bracelet, your mother didn't get a Pandora bracelet, and your grandma didn't get a Pandora bracelet; so who the hell did you get a Pandora bracelet for?" You yelled.

"It was for a friend!" Andy growled.

"That same friend who texted you asking for you to come over with a winky face?! Do you think I'm stupid Andy?! I know what you've been doing to me! To this family!"

"I've done everything I can for this family."

"Except be there! Your son is sleeping upstairs along with his sister. Imagine what he'd think of his father screwing around with other women!"

"He'd think 'good for you daddy, since mommy is nothing but a paranoid bitch'!" You slapped Andy in the face and wiped the tears from yours eyes.

"Merry Christmas...and kiss my ass!" You sobbed, leaving the house. Andy turned towards the stairs and saw Fabian, watching with tears in his eyes.

"Daddy..." Fabian trailed off.

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