Pref #31: You're His Teenage Sister

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You walked out of school with your best friend, Madison, when a voice caught you attention.

"(Y/N), wait up!" You turned to see James, this cute boy who you've been talking to, running over to you.

"Hey James." You smiled. James was in the grade above you, but he's a sweetheart.

"I have my car today if you and Madison want a ride home." James said coolly. You looked back at your friend with a small smile on your face. Madison nodded subtly and you turned back to James. Your brother was supposed to be coming back from tour today, but he wasn't due back until later today. A ride home wouldn't kill you anyway.

"Yeah sure." You replied. James smiled and led you to his black jeep. He opened the passenger side for you.

"You get to ride up front. Sorry Maddie." James chuckled.

"I'm definitely cool with it." Madison shot back, winking at you. You rolled your eyes and got in the car, putting on your seatbelt. James got behind the wheel, buckling his own seatbelt.

"So, how were your classes today?" James asked, pulling out of the school parking lot.

"Boring but I'm excited for when I get home." You smiled.


"My brothers coming home from tour. I haven't seen him in like 5-ever!"

"Wait Patrick's coming home? Shoot, I would've worn my dress and heeled boots today. (Y/N), why didn't you tell me?" Madison whined. You laughed and rolled your eyes. James pulled up to a red light and turned up the radio. Some rap song was playing from the speaker. You could only look out the window and think about seeing Patrick later. Sure he was a lot older than you, but you two are really clean. At one point, you could've sworn you saw Patrick, but brushed it off. That is until he saw you too.

"(Y/N)?" Patrick gasped from the car next to you. Your eyes got wide and you turned facing front.

"Shit! Patrick's in the car next to us." You groaned.

"Really?! Hi Patrick!" Madison called, waving like a maniac. You sighed and just waited until you both got home. 

*At Home*

You sat on your front step when Patrick got out of his car. He walked over to you and sat right next to you.

"That your boyfriend?" Patrick asked.

"I don't know. It's...complicated." You sighed, honestly confused.

"What is it you kids call it today? When you're together but not together. Talking?" Patrick frowned. You laughed looking up at your big brother. Those blue eyes (that you were not as lucky to have) hit you deep in your heart. You really missed him.

You launched yourself into Patrick's arms, squeezing him tight.

"I'm really glad your back Patrick. I missed you." You confessed.

"You're just saying that so I don't tell mom and dad." Patrick chuckled.

"I really mean it, but if you don't tell mom and dad that would be heavenly." You and Patrick stood up, him throwing his arm around you.

"Tell me everything about him and I'll decide whether or not your little secret stays a secret." He smirked. You rolled your eyes, leaning into your brothers embrace.


You sat in class, twiddling a pen in your finger. 8th period couldn't go by answer slower. It was as if time had stopped completely. And you only have 2 more minutes left! Finally, after what felt like 2 decades, the bell rang. You shot up and ran out of the classroom. Finally, Spring Break!

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