Pref #9: You Have a Sexy Hobby

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A/N: requested by @youtubelver.

*Implied Sexual Content*


You stood in the studio, completely blocking everyone out. You needed to concentrate.

"Hey (Y/N), I made brownies!" Patrick chimed in, making you sigh in annoyance.

"Tricky, as much as I want those brownies, I'm a little busy right now." You turned to see Patrick's blushing face. He looked down from your hair in a bun to your tight pink leotard and to your ballet shoes.

"'m sorry. I didn't realize...I'll leave." Patrick muttered. You smirked and reached out to grab your boyfriend's hand.

"No stay. I could use an audience, as long as your silent." You offered.

"O-okay." Patrick stuttered. You went into first position and performed your routine. Patrick watched with enchantment in his eyes. You moved so gracefully and your positions were so clean. To him it was honestly such a turn on. You ended the routine on your knees looking up at Patrick.

"So?" You grinned deviously.

"I-uh-you were great." Patrick chuckled lightly. You stood up with as much grace as you displayed during your dance and placed a hand strategically over Patrick's crotch.

"Looks like you weren't the only one who enjoyed it." You teased.

"Jesus, (Y/N)." Patrick moaned. You giggled innocently and took Patrick's hand, leading him to the bedroom.

"Don't worry, your little ballerina will take care of everything." You assured him.


You stood in the garage doing squats when Joe walked in.

"Woah, nice surprise, but why?" He asked, his eyes glued onto your ass. You turned to Joe and rolled your eyes.

"If you must know, you testosterone filled boy, I'm practicing for volleyball season. Training starts next week, but I wanna be ahead of the game." You explained. Joe took a seat in the chair you brought out and smiled at you.

"Well, next time you could at least have the decency to tell me." He mock scoffed. You smiled before lightly punching his arm.

"Creep." You said before turning around.

"Now you're just giving me what I want. A front row view!" Joe added.

"Whatever. If you stay for the show, no touching it for the rest of the week." You countered. Joe quickly stood up and pulled you into his arms.

"In that case, I'm outta here. Have fun training baby." He said kissing you. You smiled into the kiss until you felt a hand on your ass.

"Joseph!" You squealed. Joe pulled back and skipped off.



"Girl! I know you did not just put your leg behind your head!" Pete exclaimed, making you laugh.

"Gymnastics Peter. the stretches I do are crazy." You said. You removed your leg and stood up before going down into a split and stretching.

"Okay, now your just showing off...and making me horny." Pete commented.

"Aren't you always horny?" You smirked.

"True." You got up from your split and sighed.

"I'm nervous." You confessed.

"Baby girl, you're gonna do great. I already know it. You're gonna be the next gymnast to be in the Olympics, because my girl is that good." Pete encouraged. You smiled and kissed him.

"You better hope I win. I may even be in such a good mood that you get lucky." You winked before heading to where the other competitors sat. Pete just ran to the stands, praying that you would win.

*After The Competition*

You and Pete walked out hand in hand, a first place gold medal hanging from your neck.

"Look at you! My girl, a gold medalist. It's amazing!" Pete cheered as he unlocked the car. You smiled and pushed Pete into the backseat of the car.

"Woah, what's going on?" Pete asked. You just kept your smile and closed the door once you were in as well.

"I'm a woman of my word. Maybe I'll even put my leg behind my head." You teased. Pete looked up at the roof of the car, silently mouthing a quick thank you.


"Okay ladies now let's get in formation!" You cheered as you and the rest of your cheer squad began the cheer you choreographed to a medley featuring Beyoncé's formation for your school's homecoming.

"Slay trick or you get eliminated." You winked to your boyfriend, Andy, recording from the bleachers. You did a backflip flawlessly as the other cheerleaders danced behind you. Andy just smiled, hoping the desire in his eyes wasn't showing for everyone to see. He loved watching you cheer all the time. There was never a time when he wasn't turned on from watching you cheer. At the end of your cheer, you were slightly sweaty and out of breath. Halftime was still going on for a few minutes so you decided to go to Andy.

"Hey baby, how was the-" you were cut off by lips crashing into yours.

"You looked so fucking hot, you know that?" Andy mumbled.

"Um...thanks." You giggled, slightly still taken aback from the kiss.

"How much longer is the game?"

"About 45 minutes or less. Why?"

"As soon as it's over, I'm taking to my place and maybe you can do that dance for private." You blushed and buried your face in Andy's shoulder.

"You didn't have to say it like that and make me blush." You whined. Andy laughed, and tilted your face up to his.

"I love to see that blush on your face. Now go back out there and be sexy." Andy replied, kissing you one last time, a promise for later.

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