Pref #3: He Doesn't Like Your Boyfriend

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You sat across from Patrick and Pete, laughing over Pete's misfortune as he dropped his pizza.

"Dude, I can buy you a slice if you're really that upset." You giggled.

"It was stuffed crust!" Pete whined. Patrick snorted before he looked over to the door of the pizza shop. Your boyfriend, AJ, walked in and made his way right to the table.

"(Y/N), why aren't you answering your phone. You got me really worried." He said sitting next to you.

"Sorry about that. I have my phone on silent since I had a lecture today." You apologized. AJ just smiled and kissed you. Meanwhile, Patrick was watching with a slight glare on his face.

"Anyway, I was calling because I got us movie tickets, but we'd have to leave now." AJ said, pulling out of the kiss.

"Oh...I was about to have pizza with the guys." You frowned slightly.

"They won't mind, right?" AJ asked looking at Pete and Patrick.

"It's fine (Y/N). You guys go and have fun. Pete and I will stay here." Patrick confirmed, lying through his teeth. You smiled, oblivious to Patrick's real feelings.

"See you guys later, alright?" You said standing up.

"Bye (Y/N)." Pete and Patrick mumbled.

"Hey, you good?" Pete whispered as soon as you left.

"He's such a controlling bastard. (Y/N) deserves better." Patrick grumbled.

"She deserves better, or she deserves you?"



"Hey dickheads!" Your boyfriend, Chad, announced, walking to the lunch table with his arm around your shoulder. Everyone's face automatically fell.

"Hey guys." You smiled, sitting between Andy and Chad.

"(Y/N), what'd you think of that Global History test? Man, it was such a pain." Patrick asked.

"Who talks about school at lunch? Nerd alert." Chad scoffed. You looked over at him in dismay and gave Patrick and apologetic look. It was always like this.

"So, you guys wanna come over for band practice today? My parents are out and I got the garage free." Joe suggested. Everyone agreed and you gasped in excitement.

"Can I come too and watch?" You asked.

"Sure." Joe blushed.

"(Y/N), we've gotta get to Frankie's party tonight." Chad reminded you. You frowned and turned to him.

"I don't even like going to Frank's parties. Everyone always gets totally shitfaced and annoying." You groaned.

"So you're gonna make me go all alone?" You bit your lip, torn between disappointing your friends or your boyfriend.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, (Y/N)." Joe said, glaring at Chad.

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