Pete Imagine: 1 Week > 3 Months?

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You sat in your bedroom, headphones in your ears, as Verbatim by Blackbear blasted in your ear. You clock on your night stand read 1:43 AM. You just couldn't be bothered to fall asleep as your heart felt heavy in your chest.

*3 months earlier*

You sat on your bed, getting ready to lay in bed for 3 hours before falling asleep, when your phone vibrated. You looked down and saw a notification from snapchat.

Snapchat now

You raised a brow in confusion. Pete doesn't snapchat you. Must be a mistake or one of those "like my photo" things. You opened it anyway and were surprised to see Pete's eyes along with the abbreviation,


You took q picture of your dark room and wrote back,


After 5 minutes, another picture came through. This time it was of Pete's bass.

Wanna start a streak?

And that started it. From that day on, you were slowly falling for Pete and you didn't even know it. He easily became one of your top 5 best friends on Snapchat and your streak grew as you two talked everyday. Soon, tired of being confined to the word and time limit on Snapchat, you two started talking in the chat section.

You talked for months over the summer and only told your friend Elisa about it.

"Dude, Pete totally wants you! Why do you think he's talking to you?" Elisa gasped happily.

"Because he's bored?" You guessed.

"Then why wouldn't he talk to any of his friends?"

"He got tired of them?"

"(Y/N), I love you, but you really are clueless. Pete wants to date you."

After your conversation with Elisa, you started seeing things in a new light. Pete knew certain things about you that your own friends didn't know and you found yourself excited to open any snapchat for him. You even started talking on the phone, something you weren't normally good at, but with Pete, it felt natural. You guys talked for hours until one of you fell asleep.

Soon, summer fell on its deathbed as school grew nearer. You happened to be walking to get a pizza when you bumped into Pete, in person for the first time since you started talking. He raised a hand with a crooked smile.

"Hey." Pete said.

"Hi there." You said awkwardly.

"What'cha doin?"

"Getting some pizza. You?"

"My mom sent me out for this pizza. We're going away for a week tomorrow."


"Yeah...I'll see you later (Y/N)." Pete left and you smiled watching him walk away, not believing that someone like him could possibly like you.

*1 week later*

You sat at the same pizza shop with Elisa and her new boyfriend, Patrick, just talking and catching up before school starts.

"I still didn't do my english assignment." You sighed.

"Girl same!" Elisa laughed.

"Squad up." Patrick added, making everyone laugh. Suddenly the door to the pizza shop opened and your heart did flips as Pete emerged through the door.

Then suddenly, it felt like someone punched you in the gut.

Holding on to his hand, was a girl with dark brown hair and a slim face. She was absolutely breathtaking.

Pre walked to the booth where you, Patrick, and Elisa sat.

"Hey guys. This is my girlfriend Meagan. We met while I was on vacation." Pete introduced.

"For a week?" You laughed forcefully, willing yourself to not feel betrayed or hurt.

"Yeah, we just clicked." Pete smiled looking back over to Meagan. Elisa nudged you with an apologetic look on her face. You quickly threw on a smile and shrugged. Later when asked if you were okay, you responded like this:

"I don't like commitment. I'm for everybody girl, ya know? Can't tie down this fine specimen right here."

It wasn't exactly a lie, you were uncertain of what commitment could do to you and a little scared to find out. But with would have given it a chance.


As all the text messages run through your mind, you're not crying, not even sad, but confused. How could he fall in love with Meagan in a week after he was talking to you for 3 months?

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