Joe Imagine: Distance

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You stood backstage watching the guys perform. You were a close friend and while the guys were in town, they invited you to their concert. You watched as Patrick sang his with the assistance of his 5 lungs, Pete play his bass close to Patrick (in a way that was definitely not platonic), Andy was drumming his cute vegan heart out, and Joe...he just looked magnificent as always.

Even though the feelings you harbored for him went unrequited.

Joe would ignore your advances on conversation and distance himself from you, and you didn't even know why. I mean, it's not like you did anything to guy.

When the concert was over, the guys said goodnight and left the stage. You smiled at them and hugged cute sweaty Patrick first.

"You guys were absolutely amazing! I still get so hyped watching you play." You gushed, as you hugged each boy except for Joe. He already left for his dressing room. You frowned and Patrick took note of your sour mood.

"Don't even worry about Joe right now (Y/N). He's just going through some stuff right now, stuff he's gotta do alone." Patrick explained, patting your shoulder.

Joe's POV

I took off my sweaty clothes and opted for a simple grey t-shirt as soon as I got into the dressing room. I ran my fingers through my long curls as I thought about (Y/N).

I've been such an ass to her.

But I'd rather let her think she has no chance with me, than to give her a chance and let my career ruin it.

"Joe what the hell is wrong with you?" Pete frowned walking into the dressing room with Patrick behind him.

"What'd I do?" I frowned.

"(Y/N) is here to see us and you're avoiding her like the plague. What's the deal?" Patrick scoffed.

"It's complicated okay." I sighed.

"Well uncomplicate it. (Y/N) is such a nice girl." Pete ordered.

"She doesn't deserve this Joe." Patrick said softly. I lowered my head knowing they were right. I was gonna have to do something.

To be continued...

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