Patrick Imagine: Art Of Moving On

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You walked down the hallway, your friends on either side of you. You clutched your books to your chest, unintentionally ignoring the conversation going on around you.

"(Y/N), you okay?" One of your friends asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. You faked a smile.

"Yeah never better." You lied.

"Of course she's fine. (Y/N)'s hanging out with Cole. She's living everyone's dream." Your other friend teased. You chuckled uncomfortably and looked down at your feet. This was the longest Friday ever and you just wanted to go home.

"(Y/N)!" You turned to see Cole jogging to catch up with you. Your friends all said goodbye and dispersed.

"Hey Cole." You smiled.

"Well, I got my car today and was wondering if you wanted a ride or something? We could get something to eat or I can just take you home. It's whatever." Cole explained. You shifted on your feet, weighing your options.

"Yeah sure we can get a coffee or whatever." You decided. Cole smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"Then off we go." He smirked. You smiled lightly and let Cole lead you to his car. Crossing the parking lot your eyes locked with someone you really didn't want to see.

Patrick Stump.

Patrick was walking with Joe, Andy, and Pete when he saw you with Cole. He looked at you and you looked at him. You were the first to break eye contact, climbing into Cole's car.

"Patrick, you alright?" Andy asked.

"(Y/N) just got in a car with Cole." He mumbled.

"Well technically, it's none of your business, considering you broke up with her." Joe shrugged. Patrick's frown got deeper as he walked away from his friends.

You sat in the small coffee shop with Cole, sipping on your beverage.

"So, there's this party at Gerard's house this weekend. I was gonna stop by for a little bit and I was wondering if you wanted to come? With me?" Cole asked a bit nervously. Honestly it was a bit cute how flustered he was.

"I'd have to think about it. Partying isn't really my thing." You replied.

"Hey, it wasn't a no so I'm content." You actually genuinely laughed and leaned closer towards Cole.

You two had a good time at the coffee shop and he drove you home.

"Um...thanks for getting coffee with me and taking a chance on me. I just...I think you're amazing." Cole blushed. You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks you for the coffee shop and driving me home. I'll see you later Cole." You said, getting out of the car. Cole drove off and you walked up to your front door.

"Hi." A voice said. You turned to see Patrick standing in your driveway.

"Patrick?" You breathed out.

"You look good." He said awkwardly

"Why are you here?"

"I tutor next door?"

"Bullshit." Patrick rubbed the back of his neck nervously as you sighed, tossing your bag on your porch.

"Patrick, I really don't understand why you're here." You frowned.

"I don't know." Patrick sighed, looking down at his shoes.

"You broke up with me."

"I know that."

"But you won't leave me alone." Patrick looked up at you with those mystical eyes and made your heart pound.

"It was for the best." He said sadly.

"What?" You asked.

"Our break up. It was gonna happen eventually." You threw your head back, laughing.

"Jesus Patrick, is that what you thought? You thought what you were doing was noble?!" You spat angrily.

"You're higher up on the popularity scale than me. We weren't gonna work out." Patrick shrugged.

"You're a coward."


"More than that, you're a fucking idiot. I don't care about this "popularity" nonsense. I don't even get how I'm popular. It's high school Patrick. It's dumb, temporary high school. It doesn't last."

"Then how would we last?"

"Because I wanted us to." There was a pause of silence. All that was heard was the sound of you and Patrick breathing.

"I'm sorry." Patrick mumbled.

"So am I?" You replied.

"So getting back together isn't an option?"

"I think you have some insecurities to work through Patrick and I have some searching to do, so I don't think getting back together is an least not now." Patrick's face fell but he nodded.

"I get it." He said. You nodded shortly and grabbed your bag, opening the door of your house.

"Patrick?" You said suddenly. Patrick turned back to you hopefully.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"For what it's worth, I like to think we would've lasted." You stated before entering your house and closing the door.

Patrick sighed and walked away, defeated.

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