Andy Imagine: I'm Just Looking Out For You Pt.2

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You haven't spoken to Brendon in a whole month much to his dismay, but Andy's delight. Brendon wasn't sure if he liked you or the attention you gave him, but it genuinely upset him that you two weren't speaking.

It was the end of the day when you were walking down the hall talking to Andy. Suddenly, a hand grabbed your arm. You turned to see Brendon.

"Can we talk?" He asked. Andy rolled his eyes so far back that only the white of his eye was seen.

"For what Brendon? I don't think we really have much to talk about." You sighed.

"When is this gonna stop, (Y/N)? You know I care about you." Brendon frowned.

"Yeah, no doubt." Andy scoffed under his breath. Brendon glared at Andy.

"What was that Hurley?" Brendon asked.

"I said, yeah, no doubt." Andy repeated, loud enough for anyone passing by to hear.

"What's your problem man?"

"My problem is that you keep leading on this beautiful girl who thinks that you're the best she can do."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"You're not good enough for her! Even I'm not good enough for her because she deserves the world, but rest assured, I'd try to my last breath to get it for her. You won't even commit to her."

Brendon let go of your arm and moved his fist into Andy's face swiftly. You gasped, along with the crowd that had formed around you and the two boys. Andy touched his not bleeding lip before launching into Brendon, sending him on the floor.

"Guys, stop!" You yelled as the crowd cheered. You grabbed Andy's fist before he brought it back down to Brendon's face. Andy turned to you, anger leaving his eyes.

"Please...don't hurt each other." You pleaded. Andy got off of Brendon and helped him up.

"Sorry man. I didn't really mean to mess you up." Andy apologized. Brendon shrugged, fixing his hair and dusting himself off.

"It's whatever. I gotta go." He said, leaving. You turned to Andy and saw his cheek already beginning to swell. You took his hand in yours.

"Come on. I'll get you all cleaned up." You said, walking to your car.

To be continued...

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