Pref #24: He Puts You In The Friendzone Pt.2

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You sat at home, watching Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging on Netflix. Such a classic. You wore toy story pajama bottoms with a black tank top as you ate the box of pizza you ordered. A knock came from your door and you reluctantly stood to answer it. You opened the door and Patrick jumped in surprise.

"You look like an alien." He said in amusement pointing to your avocado face mask.

"Well when I take this off, I'll be a beautiful alien." You countered, letting Patrick in.

"So...I was wondering if you'd go on a double date with me tomorrow?" He asked.

"A double date?"

"Yeah, Elisa and me, and you and Elisa's friend." You frowned momentarily before shrugging. It was worth a shot.

"Sure. Pick me up and text me the details?" You asked.

"Totally. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Patrick said before bouncing out of your apartment.

*Tomorrow Night*

You stood outside your apartment building in black skinny jeans, and a white V-neck under your black leather jacket. Patrick pulled up and you got in the back seat. Elisa was in front.

"Hey (Y/N)." Elisa smiled.

"Hi." You smiled back weakly. You all drove to the restaurant. As soon as you stepped out of the car, you began to regret your decision.

"So Elisa, who's your friend?" You asked nervously.

"His name is Grant. Patrick assured me that you'll love him." Elisa gushed. Patrick looked over at you and winked.

"Don't worry (Y/N), I'd never set you up on a date from hell." He teased. You sighed as you walked into the casual restaurant. A man stood up as soon as he saw you walk in.


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"No...freaking...way." You mumbled, looking over at Patrick, who had the biggest smirk on his face.

"You got me a date with Grant Gustin?" You asked excitedly.

"Don't say I never did anything for you." He laughed. You smiled at Grant, who outstretched a hand.

"You must be (Y/N)." He grinned.

"Yeah. That's me." You replied. You peaked over at Patrick and saw how happy he was with Elisa. Maybe the friendzone wouldn't be so bad.

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