Andy Imagine: I Need To Feel Safe Again

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"Gimme the damn money!" The man ordered. He's dressed in black and smells like cigarettes. The smell is revolting.

"Please, I don't have any money." You say quickly. Something cold it pressed towards you temple and you freeze completely. Out the corner of your eye, you make out the shape of the object pressed against your head.

It's a gun.

"I really don't have any money! I don't have my money on me. I was just going for a walk." You sobbed, fear now racing through your veins.

"That's an expensive looking ring there." The man noticed, motioning towards your wedding ring.

"But my wedding ring." You frowned. The man shot a bullet into the ground next to you before putting the gun back to your head.

"Ring, now!" He ordered. You complied quickly, crying the whole time. He had beaten you and left you for dead. Luckily a man and his sister had found you and called 911. You were lucky to be alive, but you can't help but feel that the man took more than the ring from you. He took your security.

*End Of Flashback*

Andy woke up and looked over at his phone.

3:14 AM

He rolled over and saw that you weren't on your side of the bed.

"(Y/N)?" He yawned. Andy got out of bed and walked downstairs. Sure enough, you sat on the living room couch, watching old 90's Nickelodeon shows. Just like you have been doing for the past month.

"You didn't wake me." Andy said. You turned to him and sighed.

"You're very cute when you sleep." You stated.

"I can help you if you let me."


"(Y/N), you don't have to do this alone. I'll help whenever I can and do whatever I can. I love you."

"I just...I keep dreaming about him. He finds us in the house and robs me all over again." Andy frowned and pulled you into his arms.

"He can't do that. I'm here and he has no clue where we live sweetheart." He stated.

"I want to feel safe again." You mumbled.

"And I promise you will. Someday."

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