Andy Imagine: So, About That Soda

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Your alarm ripped you from your peaceful sleep as you sat up quickly.

"I'm up!" You yelled to no one in particular. You looked at the LED lights on your alarm clock and saw the time blinking at you:

6:35 AM

You forced yourself to slip out of your warm blankets and the chill November air hit you like a bus.

Freaking New York weather.

You pranced to your bathroom and brushed your teeth while showering. Had to save time somehow. You then ran out in a towel back to your room. You opened your closet and pulled out a maroon sweater and flowery scarf. You then looked in your drawers for your thick leggings. Once you found them, you put on your boots and attempted to tame your wild hair. The next time you looked at the clock it read:

6:58 AM

You yawned before walking to the kitchen, grabbing a beautiful bagel and, spreading butter on it.

"Beautiful." You smiled. You placed your favorite Keurig pod into the machine and placed your travel mug under it. While the machine did its magic you looked around for your satchel. Your bus would leave soon and if you dare missed your morning lecture, you knew there would be no way to pass your exam. You found your black satchel and threw it over your shoulder. You grabbed your house keys, coffee mug, bagel, and left the house. At the same time, your next door neighbor, Andy Hurley, had come out to throw out his trash. You sort of had a crush on Andy although he was 10 years older than you at most.

"Hey." You both smiled at the same time. You and Andy both paused to giggle before looking back up at each other.

"Have a nice day." You both said...again.

"Jinx, you owe me a soda." You chuckled lightly.

"Is that a promise?" Andy smiled softly. You blushed and shrugged.

"I have classes until 12. If you're still available, I'd love to have that soda." You said, gaining courage literally out of nowhere. Andy smiled and nodded his head.

"It's a date." He winked before walking into his apartment. You smiled and looked down at the time on your phone:

7:13 AM

Shit! You only have less than 7 minutes to run to your bus stop. You took off down the stairs of your apartment and down the street. Andy watched you from his window and chuckled in amusement.

You were something else...

To be continued...

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