Andy Imagine: The Life of The Party

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The bright lights swirled in your vision, purples, blues, and yellows. The music was too loud and hurt your head. The drink in your cup smelled funny, and you didn't want to drink it. You wore a white shirt and black torn jeans that stuck to you like a second skin. You stood as still as a statue, staring into space, as the sweaty, barely clothed, bodies danced around you. 

What were you doing here?

"Not quite your scene, huh?" A voice asked, startling you. You flinched and turned to see a man with brown hair and a ginger beard. His eyes looked deep into yours and you felt yourself relax.

"I'm not entirely sure how I got here." You answered honestly. The loud bass of the music bumped in perfect time with your heart. 

"Honestly, neither am I." The man chuckled. It was as if his voice was the only sound you could hear. The background music slowly faded to nothingness. The sweaty bodies disappeared and It was just you in this man.

"I'm (Y/N)." You answered on an impulse.

"Andrew, but people call me Andy." He smiled. Oh that smile, that smile was enough to blind you, to melt your heart, and to cure world problems. Who was this man and why were you so attracted to him.

"Dance with me." Andy offered, reaching out to you. You smiled and took his hand. Music slowly faded back into your ears and you recognized the song.

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames" 

Suddenly, you were no longer with Andy, but instead on the stage tears staining your cheeks and ruining your make up. Black streaks from your eyeliner ran down your face, as you screamed into the mic. 

"I'm laughing, I'm crying
It feels like I'm dying
I'm laughing, I'm crying
It feels like I'm dying
I'm laughing, I'm crying
It feels like I'm dying

I'm dying, I'm dying"

Your voice became distorted on the third "I'm laughing" and the crowd of sweaty bodies had returned. They all were crowded around the stage, cheering, and chanting your name.





You closed your eyes, and when you opened them, you were looking at the ceiling. You were on the floor. Andy was looking down at you, tears in his eyes.

"(Y/N) come on stay with me, the police are almost here." Andy begged. You looked to your right to see empty red solo cups. You felt dizzy and tired.

"Wh-where is everybody?" You slurred. What were in those cups that guy gave you?

"I came in here to see you drinking with some guy after I lost you. They were all in here cheering you on." Andy explained. Your eyes felt heavy as you forced a smile on your face.

"I'm the life of the party." You chuckled, before fluttering your eyes shut.

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